Remember September

Remember those we've lost and stand with those fighting to survive.

Give It Up or Move It this September for the 71 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer every week.

Register NOW  Learn More

Remember them. Honour them. Fight for them.

Move It and walk 71km over the month or Give Up a vice of your choosing like caffeine or sugar.

Whichever challenge you choose, you will be helping PanKind, the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates for people fighting pancreatic cancer.

By joining the Remember September community, you'll be supporting people impacted by pancreatic cancer and ensure future generations can win the fight against this disease.

Plus you'll feel AMAZING doing something for your health!


People remembering this September


Raised for pancreatic cancer research

How It Works

Choose your

Move It and walk 71km, or Give It Up and give up a vice this September to support Australians impacted by pancreatic cancer.

Remember someone special

Is there someone special you're challenging yourself for this September? Update your page and let us know.

Share your

Share your page and let everyone know you’re challenging yourself this September for Australians living with pancreatic cancer.

Complete your challenge

Track your progress on your personal dashboard while you smash your challenge goals this September.

"Darren passed away from pancreatic cancer at the young age of 55. A loving dad to two young boys, unfortunately his diagnosis was too late... I believe early diagnosis can save lives and that's why I'm raising funds to support research."

Remember September Participant



Tribute Wall

We will remember them. We will honour them. We will fight for them.

Pancreatic cancer takes 71 lives every week in Australia. So this September, we're remembering those we've lost and standing with those fighting to survive.


Mum was only 70 when she passed away on Friday October 13th 2023, it was only a few weeks after her birthday, she loved Mickey Mouse so much that she had a room out the back of the house built just for her Mickey Mouse collection, and in the community where she lived her nickname was the Mickey Lady, Mum was so kind hearted and would do anything for anyone. Love and miss her deeply every day.

7/7/24 - Missing you Dad 🫶🏼 Hoping you are smiling from up above and proud of your family. Doing Remember September for you mate 🫶🏼

Audrey Blackburn

Sixteen months ago I lost my 49 yr old daughter to pancreatic cancer. She only survived for three weeks after finding out. This is such a cruel cancer that needs more awareness and research and this is why I support pankind

Anne hampson

Nanny Annie you were the Absolutley bravest women I’ve ever met , tho your gone a part of you is forever with me!! Best friends forever nanny mum xx

Mum I will never forget your strength you fought so hard not just in your battle with cancer but in all you did in life you never gave up on your goals no matter what !! And tho your gone mum a part of you stays with us always. Your were our rock mum and I pray one day we meet again in heaven . I love you always ❤️

Chloe Kennedy


Julie Rae

Forever in our hearts and in everything we do , we will always love you ❤️ jamie , Julie and Trina , your loving children. Annie Kelly 1954-2023 forever young and a true warrior.

Marie Smith

I MISS you so very much my Darling Husband. You were far to young to be taken from me. I LOVE ❤️ you until it's my turn to join you in heaven. You will remain tucked in my heart FOREVER ❤️


Laz Falusi was always willing to help others and support our communities. I was fortunate to join him (and learn from him) on several occasions when volunteering for community Backyard Blitz programs. Miss you Laz and will do my best in September remembering you.

Natalie Gerhardt

This is my beautiful dad, William Willcocks, who we lost to this horrid disease October 2011. I couldn't save my dad, but I sure help others now. Doin it for my Dad

In loving memory for all the loved ones💜


Remembering our beautiful Mum Kaye. Quick witted and loved a good laugh. Kind and generous missed so much by our family

Cassandra Neave

I am walking again this year in honor of my mum. She was taken at the young age of 27, leaving behind three young children. Wishing everyone the best on their journey this year!

Janelle da Costa

In June 2023, I watched my best friend, her family and friends lose their dad, husband and friend to pancreatic cancer. I will he running 142kms this September to raise money for PanKind. I choose to do this for my best friend, her mum, her sisters, her family, their friends and for her dad. A beautiful human that they are no longer with in person. A constant hole in their hearts, a special person missing from important events and every day life that the rest of us might take for granted, without realising we do.


Remembering Brett my son and Stephen my son in law who lost their battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Brett 16 months after diagnosis, Stephen 14 weeks after diagnosis. Like so many others families we are devastated. Good men gone too soon. We will remember them, we will honour them, we will continue to fight for them.


Remembering my son Brett and my son in law Stephen two special sons who loved life. Brett survived 16 months after diagnosis. Stephen died 14 weeks after diagnosis. Our families like many families are devastated by Pancreatic Cancer. Young men loved taken too soon. We will remember them we will honour them we will fight for them.

Audrey Mcinnes

I am doing this walk to honour and remember my beautiful and brave husband Geoff who fought this disease for over 6 years. He was the most positive and brave person I’ve ever known. Miss and love him every day ❤️

September will also be 12 months since I lost my beautiful mum to pancreatic cancer. She is talked about every day. She is so loved and terribly missed 💜

I miss you baby xxx 💔💔

Bella Johnston

Please get on board and help us raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer...Let's see how much we can raise together...Bella & Rudie

Naomi Russell

My friend, I miss you each and every day. This disease took you from me too soon! To those fighting, stay strong 💜

Last year my mother had a growth near her an artery that restricted flow. After three biopsy and too many months of delays she had whipple surgery a week after her 60th birthday. Thankfully everything was removed and 10 chemo treatments later my mother is free from cancer. With ongoing blood work checks and scan hopefully she will have a long life ahead.

Last year my mother had a growth near her an artery that restricted flow. After three biopsy and too many months of delays she had whipple surgery a week after her 60th birthday. Thankfully everything was removed and 10 chemo treatments later my mother is free from cancer. With ongoing blood work checks and scan hopefully she will have a long life ahead.


Honouring my mum who passed in 2007 from pancreatic cancer xx


I'm doing this for My beautiful mum who lost her life to pancreatic cancer in 2007. Xx

Lisa Hampstead

Remembering my loved one Joey, he was diagnosed in October 2019 and was given 2 to 6 weeks to live. He fought the most courageous fight to this dreadful disease. He heartbreakingly lost his battle on the 25 November 2023. He was 55 years old. He always said to me if they didn’t find a cure in time for him to make sure I continue to walk to raise money to make sure a cure is found. This year I am walking for him 💜 always and forever Mickey

Nadine Cockrem

I love you Mum ❤️ Miss you everyday!

Sylvia Micallef

5/02/1950 - 29/06/2024

Angus Lloyd Brown

In Loving memory of Sylvia Micallef

Karryn Prain-Madden

13/05/1974 - 22/11/2022 Love unconditionally. Always missed

Lynda P

My darling Mum Rosemary, fought a very brave and painful battle from start to finish. She endured the worst chemo, radiation, surgery, sepsis and her worst symptom was her hair loss, but she kept up her brave fight, no complaints, no tears, to ensure we had the longest time available to spend with her. Not a day goes by I don’t think of her, miss her and love her deeply! We must find a cure or at least a method to detect this disease earlier, and be treated well to prevent our loved ones suffering or dying from this insidious disease! 💜


After mums diagnosis we had her with us less than 14 days, heartbreaking, we are determined to help raise funds to assist in the research for early diagnosis , love you mum, miss you so much, love love 🥰


Remembering my husband.
