Tribute Wall

We will remember them. We will honour them. We will fight for them.

Pancreatic cancer takes 71 lives every week in Australia. So this September, we're remembering those we've lost and standing with those fighting to survive.

Register to join our community and post on the Tribute Wall.

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Rosemary (Mum)♥️💜♥️

This has been a special time for me to reflect on my Mums memory and to help others with this hideous disease To all those who took part, well done.

Allan Bennett

Dad I will forever remember the lesson and memories you taught me before you passed. Your legacy will live on with my four boys. Fittingly the song that was playing when you passed away last Friday morning was Pat Bentar hit me with your best shot. You definitely fought hard right to the very end. I love you dad

Kylie Whyte

My kids and I have just completed the September challenge in honour of their dad, my husband Clifton Whyte and we are so grateful for everyone who supported us. Not a day goes by that we don't think about him, love him & miss him terribly. Grief is a journey that everyone is on at some time and affects us all differently, but ultimately, what is the same is a huge loss that can never be replaced. Our Cliff was a gentle giant of a man. He was loved by everyone who had the honour of meeting or knowing him. He was exceptionally hard-working and incredibly talented. Music was his life and he had an encyclopaedia of knowledge of all genres of music. He always kept up to date on what was current but loved his old-school lovers rock, hip hop, funk & reggae. I have wonderful memories of him playing his tunes, on a Sunday it was usually reggae. Sundays will never be the same. Cliff had a way with words and could put right any wrong that was going on in your world. He travelled the world many times over but was happiest when he was at home with his family. He adored & was so proud of his kids - India, Levi & Isabella and was beaming with happiness when he met his first grandchild Hartley. His life was cut too short, he had so much more he wanted to do. We were blessed for every minute we had with him and we will miss him love him forever.

David Wilkinson

Today as I reflect on the past month walking every day in memory of my family members I've lost to this horrible disease, I do hope walking 150kms(target was 142kms) and raising $1208(target was $1200) will help fund very much needed research to find a cure so none of us need to go through the heartache of losing our loved ones. 💜💜💜💜

Talina Vizard

Its been such a challenge an an honour to walk to raise money for pancreatic cancer research. A challenge because I'm still Suffering from long Covid, an honour Because Barb Shearer is a dear friend ,is bravely battling still. I still miss our cousins Stewart Fowler and Wendy Joy also Barb St John and mate from the 70's Wendy Phillips. I miss them so much I want to help raise funds to prevent more people experiencing this disease & its associated heartache

Grant Plasto

I am doing the 71km walk to not only raise much needed funds for research into early detection into this horrible disease. I want to spread the word about Pancreatic Cancer. Untl it impacts you or your family most people have limited knowledge about the disease. It wasn't until my diagnosis I became aware of the potential impact it can cause. I am currently going through chemo after Whipple procedure earlier this year. I want to thank my rock(Jackie), my family & friends for their support and all those who got behind GPS Team who walked and raised more money than we ever expected. This is the first time I have been involved in this challenge and it won't be my last.


May we see the day where pancreatic cancer is diagnosed early and treatment is available.

Leanne Ford

146 km walked this September in memory of my Mum Jennifer who was diagnosed in April 2022 and passed away 2 months later. Felt her walking with me. So pleased to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

Alice Morrissey

What a month it’s been. I managed over 200km of walks this month and I am immensely proud of myself. My walks are in memory of my wonderful Mum and her sister who both unfortunately lost their battles too early. My aunt six weeks after diagnosis and my mum 7 months. It’s not fair this horrible disease takes people so quickly, and doing this each year makes me hopeful that research is going to help others survive it, get diagnosed earlier.

Marisa Vernon

My mum was diagnosed with Bile Duct and Pancreatic cancer. After a Whipple and months of chemotherapy she is doing well. I've walked 122km in September for all of those who've suffered from this and its repercussions.


Sending love to all those who have lost their loved ones to Pancreatic cancer. This fundraiser is for you!

Sheryl Jenkin

Completed my first Remember September with a 8klm walk to a place my beautiful mother in law Evelyn often talked about and had fond memories in her younger years of growing up in North Beach and in her later years loved to go for drives there on weekends with her darling husband Max. Always remembered, forever loved, Miss you mum 💜 Also remembering the many other people that have been taken by this horrible disease and thinking and sending strength and love to all those currently fighting along with their families supporting them through this fight. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

My beautiful Nonna, Uncle Rino and Bruno Badoco

Forever in our hearts and forever in our dreams. 💜

In loving memory of Beverly. Mother, grandmother, wife and friend.

Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous support of research into Pancreatic Cancer and improved patient care in the fight against pancreatic cancer Thank you to all the walkers, family and friends, whose enthusiasm was boundless.

9 years without our beautiful mum and grandma. Missed every day. I'm hoping to see a world where pancreatic cancer is diagnosed early and is treatable. That's why I've raised $1200 for to fund research for one week. Just a tiny drop in the ocean, but with all of us working together, we can achieve so much.

Thank you

💜 THANK YOU…..115km morning walks, $268 amazing donations raised and a whole lot of love. I’ve walked for my gorgeous mum this September whom passed away from this insidious disease pancreatic cancer almost three years ago…I’ve walked 115km morning walks for mum and the 71 beautiful souls that heartbreakingly die each week from pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is the 4th biggest cancer killer in Australia and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating. I believe research can change this. Humongous thank you to every beautiful amazing soul for all your support, especially Dave, Barbara, Jem and Charlotte. You guys rock! 💜 I wish for a kinder world. much love neen xxx Tomorrow I am walking for my dad. 💜

Graham Baikie

My father, John Baikie, died suddenly from Pancreatic Cancer in June 2024. From hospitalisation to passing away was only 17 days. We were blessed that he felt very little pain and we had the opportunity to say our goodbyes. We miss him and will continue to remember him every day. RIP dad.

Cate Matthews

My sister Sal passed away in December last year from Pancreatic cancer . She was my absolute everything . Sal loved her life, she loved her husband and her three children with all her heart. She was so much fun to be with , she was the life of the party but also cared so deeply for all of her family and friends. I want to make a difference with fundraising so that , in the future no- else has to endure this pain. For all those people who are affected by this disease- you are in my prayers and I send love to each one of you💜

Julie spruit

My partner John was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July this year.. currently having chemotherapy and is half way through his treatment then whipples in December.. He is such an inspiration and such a warrior ❤️ 💙 as you know chemo is gruelling and he does this with such strength and determination 💪 and we are just putting one foot in front of the other and just getting through but know we have no choice but to go through these challenges to get to the other side..a side that says you are cancer free 🙏🙏..prayers., love and strength are sent to everyone fighting this hideous disease and the loved ones that are barely making it through the grief of watching their loved ones succumb to the effects of treatment 💔've got this

Liz Hitchins

On the 1/2/22 the love of my life Brian was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. 10 short weeks later he was gone from our lives, but never from our hearts . Brian was a fit, funny, garden loving 66 year old who loved his family dearly . I will walk and raise funds for research into pancreatic cancer for as long as I am able to walk. This cruel, painful disease needs a cure and for that we need research. Thank you to all the wonderful participants of this cause. You are making a difference with every dollar raised

Julieann Thomson

In honour of my beautiful Great~Aunty Bea. Diagnosed in August 2021. Sadly passed away in February 2022. Aged 80. Aunty Bea was my Pop's younger sister. Photograph if my Pop and his sisters. Eric, Daphne and Beatrice xox

William C

To a great Pop who was never once sick that needed him to go to hospital. Then you come back from holidays and within 8 weeks I lost you 😢 You will always be remembered 🩵

Amy Hocroft

Walking for Aunty Sue an amazing woman who is dearly missed.

Clifford J Smiles

I have been living with Pancreatic Cancer for 2 years but have seen a few people around me pass from this disease. I feel blessed to be living and have time to spend with my family and friends. I am also blessed to have a good Doctor for diagnosing me early and a great oncology team for looking after me since. I look forward to a long and happy life and thank my Wife and family for inspiring to take this challenge one step at a time. I also dedicate this challenge to the few that has fallen around me.

Lee Famoly

Remembering our Mum who passed from pancreatic cancer on the 11/01/2011. Dearly missed and now at 72 l have discovered a cyst in my pancreas. Please talk your doctors about receiving a test for your pancreas . I have regular MRI ‘s now to keep on top of any changes

Barbara Kounis

In loving memory of Dad. You won you fight dad, just lost the war 💐💋😞

Joanne Stewart

Doing it for mum !


Never forgotten

Talina Vizard

Thinking of you Barb Shearer in your current battle with PC Remembering Wendy Phillips,Barb St John, WendyJoy, Stewart Fowler with love & hope for a future that's PC free

Dianne Olde

A phenomenal lady I got to call my Mum! She was an extremely generous, loving, selfless, smart, inspiring, supportive, entertaining person who put up a strong and courageous 5 year fight against an unfair opponent. I still miss you everyday!!


I am participating in the Remember September this year in honour of my father, Ian. He was diagnosed on his 84th birthday and passed away just 3 months later. Dad gave a lot of his time to help others and so as I walk, I remember his values and kindness. He is greatly missed and remembered often.

Jane Darmon

I am doing this challenge for the Dear Family who their husband and Father Paul. Cherie does outstanding work for Dare to Hope and she inspired me.

Dellie miss you 🥰 but I no know when your saying giddy up - to get me into gear xx

Isabel and Kate

Our Dear Mum, Anne passed away from this horrible disease on 25th of June. Mum had always been such a happy, healthy and active person. To see her go through what she did was heartbreaking 💔 for us both. We miss her terribly x


Here's to raising awareness and much needed research dollars to improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer.

Remembering Mum, Granny ,Tony and all the many others who have died from pancreatic cancer.

Trysett le Garde

Bruce le Garde

James Paul Goddard

Lost a younger brother Paul to pancreatic cancer on 11th April this year. At 68 years of age.

BP Groenendyk

💜💜💜 Doing it for Dad and NP 💜💜💜

Jessy Frankcom

Mum, 2 years on and it still hits just as hard… 🥺🌻🌈🥺 I know you’re watching over us and you are now free from pain. Miss you more than you know.


Doing it for Dad. 💜💜💜


Pat was so brave and stoic along the pancreatic cancer path. I am so fortunate to have been there by his side 💝 And it was PanCare that gave us clear and honest information and support that allowed us to navigate that difficult journey. Thank you 💜


I am raising awareness not just for my Uncle, but also one of my school teachers,who passed away from cancer several years ago now, my stepdad who passed 26yrs ago, and my other uncle who passed 30yrs ago. My old school does an amazing thing to raise awareness as well which is walking up Mount Sugarloaf (Newcastle NSW)


I am walking this September to honor my mum who passed away in November 2014, a ten year anniversary, from pancreatic cancer. I hope to create awareness.


In support of Cheryl 💜 In Memory of Ellis and Franca 💜💜

Rudolph and Bella

We walked for our friend Jack.

I'm doing this for all that have survived, those who haven't made it and those who are yet to be diagnosed. Hopefully we can improve the survival rate, or better still eradicate this awful cancer.

Cynthia Kaden

For Mum xx

Tay M

I would just like to thank everyone who donated this year, it means the world that we’ve been able to make even a small difference as $500 will help fund 2 whole days of research into pancreatic cancer

Francesca Melville

Dad, you are dearly missed by many. You are still thought of and wanted. I wish you where here still today. Anthony misses you you would be proud of the man he's become, and Annalise would have loved to meet you. As the am sure you would have welcomed Neil and Kim into the family. I pray that for generations to come this pancreatic cancer will stop in its tracks. Many more will live on. Open our eyes to see what is happening and intervene in time, as a community.


I'm walking for my beautiful mum who fought this terrible cancer with everything she had. I only hope to be as strong as you in life. I miss you more thank you'll ever know mumma bear. She touched so many lives with her wisdom & smile. Love You mum this is for you and others who have had to face this horrible cancer.

Jacqui Roser

My beautiful mum, I’ll do this every year for you for as long as I’m able. I know you’re looking out for me. I love you mostest ❤️


Hitting the pavement for my dear friend who has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

Norma Harden

In honour of those whom I know that are currently survivors of this dreadful disease - and those who did not survive. I love you

Jenny Caughey

Last year my beautiful sister, Wendy lost her life to pancreatic cancer after a very short illness. She was a wonderful person - a loving wife, mother of 5 grown up children with spouses and 17 beautiful grandchildren. She was the hub of their family. She was my sister and my beautiful friend that I had lived with all our lives. She is younger than me by 18 months, we flatted together before we were married, our children grew up together, we worked together volunteering in our farming community and when we retired we moved to the same area. We have travelled together. Her husband, children and grandchildren are devastated as well as my Mum, who is 97, brother, sister and our families. She was loved by everyone who knew her - she was a gatherer of people. She has left a gaping hole in our family. Last year my nieces, Wendy's family, raised over $30,000 for PanKind.


Cecillia Lamsam

I’m walking for too many close friends over the last 2yrs - Fran Thorncraft, Jim Sturgiss, Ann Headley (RIP) and Geoffrey who is fighting this cancer. Thanks G&G for joining me on one of my walks.


I walk in memory of my sister Julie, and for everyone that has lost someone, or is going through treatment. This is my first year but will be a participant every year going forward 💜


I think I can say with confidence, we all miss your cottolette and lemon biscotti….. and brodo…. Everyone wants brodo!! 💕

Pa 💕


This is for you pop xoxo


I walk in loving memory of my beloved husband Kenji, who passed away after a 10-month battle with this insidious disease in June 2023, aged 49.

My dad is the person who has inspired me to complete this challenge as he is currently battling stage 4 cancer and I would love to see a future where other people do not have to go through this 💜💜 positive vibes only!!


For you Nan, always a mind of knowledge. The kindest person to have ever been in my life. Forever grateful to have grown up with you in my life.


Sarah, 44 years old and a devoted Mumma to her 8 year old daughter was diagnosed 9 months before Pancreatic Cancer took her life. She fought hard and believed she would succeed; after all she had so much to motivate her. A beautiful little daughter who is smart and funny and a budding little dancer. A great career with a fantastic firm of Accountants .Sarah was a ballet dancer when she was younger and then taught many young kids as their teacher. This beautiful person was a kind and non judgemental human being with the recent sadness of losing her mother to breast cancer. She had so many dreams and a true love of life. But Pancreatic Cancer is a lethal beast and we need research to understand and conquer this lethal beast.

Kelly Cooper

For my beautiful big cousin who I always looked up to. You left this world well and truly before we were ready, but not before living life to the max and having an absolute ball. I will miss you every day, but especially those times when I'd expect to see you I will take on your "let's do it!" vibes and carry your big, cheeky grin around with me wherever I go.


My beautiful sister Joanne who is undergoing treatment. I walk with dad at my side for you ❤️


I have walked previously for a dear dear friend who died from pancreatic cancer,vale Ali McDougall. This year I walk for my sister who is undergoing treatment for this insidious disease


This is my first year in the Remember September Walk . I am remembering my Dad, Ian, as I walk the 71 km. He was always so strong and fit, riding his bike and stopping in at church to fix something or another. He was quiet and courageous with his battle. I miss him and will always treasure his words of advice. He brought a lot of joy to our family. Our family will remember him. I hope I can help others now. 3.10.38-31.12.22


I was surprise by staff and students in their support of my fundraising. It was a total surprise and the overwhelming support even days after. I'm on the left side of the blue line. Student faces cannot be identified. My wife would be cranky about the amount of fuss happening.

Dorothy Sutton, much loved mum, wife, grandma, aunty and friend, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer five months after diagnosis. It's been nine years and we miss her every day. 🌺

Nanny J, not a day goes by where we don't think about you. We miss you so much and miss the support that you were for our family. I miss your smile, your laugh and your ability to make everything better.

Jennifer Burns

My wonderful Dad, David Craig. He was a weird man who loved my sister and I unconditionally. This disease took him fast, it really sucks.


I am doing this in memory of my amazing mother

Leah Timms

My second year walking for my dad who we lost last year in April. Am on track to complete my walking and have raised over double what I was hoping so feel blessed and thankful to my lovely sponsors! Next month would have been my Dads 80th Birthday. I love and miss you every day !

Kimmy Pfitzner

So I turned 40 on Sunday, I am 17 weeks pregnant, and my goal is to walk 71km in September for Pancreatic Cancer, and 50km for Camp Quality kids with cancer. I had no idea how supportive people can be, I've met my fundraising oals, aand ots of friends and family have joined and encouraged me in my walks. Not many people knew about how many people are affected by these diseases. I am really glad I got to take part, and hopefully we can all make things a bit better for those affected

Susie Dracopoulos

An unstoppable human lost to this terrible disease. May you rest in peace and do your magic from your desk in heaven. ❤️

Nic McGrannachan

Our very special Aunty Wini.... you bought so much sunshine and laughter to our lives. We miss you dearly. 22 Aug 1657 - 30 Jul 2024

Diane Sullivan

My tribute is for Mary Clark who sadly left us so quickly 11 years ago. Mary was full of fun, kindness, generosity, enthusiasm and only had a matter of a few weeks to say goodbye to her family and friends due to pancreatic cancer. Mary was a great sportswoman and I was lucky to meet her through golf. I dedicate my challenge to Mary and hope the funds raised for research will help find an early diagnosis and cure for pancreatic cancer.


I am doing this challenge for my mum Rosemarie, who passed away on 16 September 2021 after a 22 months battle with pancreatic cancer. I miss her every day! 💜

Cheryl Saunders

I am doing this in memory of my son-in-law who passed away from Aggressive Pancreatic Cancer stage 4. Was diagnosed and passed away in 6 weeks. There were no symptoms whatsoever and my family had no support. He just turned 46 and left behind his partner and 4 children.

Talina Vizard

I have raised 75% of what i hoped to raise, thanks to you my generous friends. I'm walking with pride in memory of dear friends Barbara St John, Wendy Phillips and dearly beloved friend and relatives Wendy Joy and Stewart Fowler. I'm also walking for dear friend & inspiration Barb Shearer who is still cheerfully battling the beast at 84


My little babe and I are first year participants as a loved one very close to us, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year. Big love to all of you fighting this cancer, participating in this incredible challenge, supporting and donating 💜💜💜

So proud of everyone completing this challenge and honouring their loved ones!


I’m honouring my best friend who lost her fight after 5 short weeks. I’m also walking for everyone who is fighting this hideous disease and for the loved ones who lost the battle 💜💜💜💜

Vanessa Azzopardi

Our beloved mother Rosa lost her life at the age of 50 after battling and doing everything she could to fight this awful disease ! She will always be remembered though as a vibrant, funny, caring and loving mother, nonna, sister and friend to so many people. This walk is in memory of her. We love you Rosa Azzopardi 🕊️💜💜💜

Grandma you will forever be missed. My grandmamother was known as the mickey lady within her community and made many people smile. She was kind and brave and I wish she could of made it to my graduation but I know she is at peace

Helen Starling

Continuing to participate in Remember September in honour of my Dad Peter Nolan. I miss him every day and hope my little bit can help another family from loosing a loved one to Pancreatic Cancer.

Jenny Easton

Walking in Remembrance of my buddy Lori


I walk for my Hubby Troy forever loved and in my heart taken too soon from this nasty cancer 14.10.2022.


Trish's Groupies is walking for my mum Trish, who is sadly suffering from this awful disease. We are behind her in steps and in love. We hope that in future, there are better outcomes for Pancreatic Cancer sufferers.


This September I'm walking in memory of my Mother Denise who passed away at 59 from Pancreatic cancer.

Jack Broadhurst

You are so loved and missed every single day Dad 💞 You touched so many people with your beautiful nature and I am honoured to call myself your daughter 💖 I feel blessed to have had the privilege of loving and being loved so unconditionally 🫶 I will remember you, honour you and fight for you and for any other person and/or family that has been affected by this horrible disease 💔

Lina Rillo

14 Sept your birthday mum! Team Lilly is all about you mum - Nell and I do this in memory of you. We remember how you suffered, we remember how scared you were. We remember how quickly you were taken. We remember how much it hurt 💜

We are walking to help support this amazing cause


Taking part in remember September this year in memory of my beautiful mum who passed 1 year tomorrow (14/9). Loving and missing you every single day

Dad, 💜 I miss you with all my heart. You were so strong those last couple of weeks. Sitting by your bed that last afternoon and through out the night, you battled to stay with us. We could tell by that look in your eyes you were laughing with us as we reminisced together. You held on and waited for mum to wake knowing she would need the strength for what was to come. 'Life without her soul mate.' 💔 With every blue wren we see we smile, your still looking after us.


My beautiful Mum died on the 26/12/2018. My world fell apart. You were my world Mum and I miss you everyday. 💜

Walking for my closest friend who passed from this awful disease. R.I.P. Jean 💖

Todd Osmond-Dreyer

Todd, my superman, you made it so easy to love you, a caring and selfless soul, you didn’t deserve this… love you more than life itself

Taina +Winston Vizard

We are walking in memory of our dear friend and cousin Wendy Joy

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.

Nicole Le Comte

"My dad Paul Le Comte is a survivor and I’m so grateful, diagnosed in 2016. He has faced many challenges, including some very life changing surgeries, ongoing meds, and more. His fighting spirit inspires me to walk and fundraise to help others battling pancreatic cancer. Stay strong, everyone. 🌟💪 #Hope"

Julie Wilson

This is for Steve, my husband . Dad and Pop .We lost him 6 years ago to this insidious cancer💜


Missing your voice and treats you sent over to me when you went shopping for Bess. Forever young🦓


Honouring and remembering all of the patients past and present who I have cared for suffering from pancreatic cancer. From those I have help nurse after a Whipple’s procedure to those who I’ve helped nurse to the end of their journey , you are all an inspiration 💜

Kate Moskal

Remembering my dear Father-in-law Adam, who passed away at 65 years old after a short but hard 5 months, battling this cruel disease. Your grandsons miss you dearly. We will continue to walk and raise funds to try and help others from experiencing loss from this cruel disease.


2 years ago I was diagnosed. I had a Whipple procedure and have since been told I'm clear. I still think about it every day. Every time I get sick, I wonder if it's back. It's a fight that I will never stop fighting!!

Michelle Conry

Honouring and Remembering my Dad who passed away 1 year ago on 14th September. There are no words to describe the while his passing left in my heart. Love you Dsd xoxo


I promised you Jules I will honour you and raise money for pancreatic cancer research. Miss you everyday , my tri

Kai Hamilton

I'm walking and swimming 142 klms this September to raise as much as I can for my Mum,who we lost to this disease in January 2020,😢💜🙏and for my big brother PJ,who we lost on the 16th of August 2024😢💙🙏

Jodie Hill

To my mum who is trying to stay positive through it all. The family is rallying around to make sure we have lots of new and happy memories. Mum got diagnosed only about a month ago!


To my friend Jamie and his boys who lost his beautiful wife/mum to soon

Cheryl Fontino

I miss you, Mum xx 1 year on, and it still feels unreal 💜 We are living our best lives and working at leaving a beautiful legacy like you did xxx

Ross Perkins

Missing you Rita. This was your last birthday celebration and you were a tough cookie going through all the pain and still managing your beautiful smile and entertaining people. Love you. xx

Kerri Graham

Remembering my generous cheeky funny brave Dad Sawry

Thanks I'm doing this for those who lost their lives and ones going through it


In loving memory

Rhiannon Neve

I’m doing this challenge in support for my friend Shaz who is in this fight right now. I stand with her through this fight however I can ❤️

It's been over 3 years since pancreatic cancer stole my mum from us. Miss her every day! It's an honour to have her my memory as I walk. 💜

Richard McColl

At only 50 years old our dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he stayed positive. He underwent a whipples operation and gained another 5 years with us. Unfortunately it returned and chemo was unsuccessful. He fought so hard to stay with us but in the end cancer won. I would love to live in a world where this doesn’t happen to another family. We miss our dad very much but I know he would be proud of my brother and sister and the families they have created.

Min Brown

In memory of my late father 💜

Jennifer (Grandama)

Help me raise money for pancreatic cancer, which my grandma Jennifer sadly pass last year from.

G. B

I have been now for my third year, as a high school teacher, I attempt to show students to care. Without my knowledge this is the number of students that cared for me for my fundraising. Impact however great or small pushes that someone to show their compassion. They did it out of love for the cause.


Remembering my beautiful Nonna this September.


My friend Chelsea inspired me to do this challenge, a great way to keep fit whilst raising money for such an important cause. Excited to see everyone’s final result at the end!

Judy Bailey

In memory of my sister Leanne Smith, who fought cancer for 7 years before passing away on New Years Eve 2019 aged 67 years. She is the strongest person I know and I miss her every day.

Sarah Jane Adams

Remembering your love, your wisdom, and your courage mum. Miss you so much xx

Janine McKay

My guiding light in life.


Although my darling grandmother was 96 when she succumbed to pancreatic cancer she was living independently right up to when she diagnosed. She was an amazing singer and a bit of a character - always looking for a bit of fun. She was married to the love of her life and had a simple life - appreciating the small things and never taking anything for granted. She adored her child, grandchildren and great grandchildren putting us all before herself. Although she's been gone a number of years now she is always in my heart - my 142kms this month is in her memory.


Rob, you are always in my heart 💜

Belinda Harris


Sara Birch-Hayes

Staying strong for my family members battling this cancer.

Mary Pettitt

Walking in memory of my Mum & Aunty and all those affected by pancreatic cancer 💜💜


Where there is research there is hope , hope for all those diagnosed with this insidious cancer. I am hopeful for my Sister to benefit from research.

Kay Rogers

Remembering my uncle Ken this year and always who passed before being able to witness his little girl marry her best friend and or welcome his first grandchild. Rest easy uncle ken

Nadine for Mum

Walking for Mum, who is always there, finding ways to help, Staying positive through it all despite the challenges and frustrations. We all love you mum. Thankyou for yesterdays walk. 😚💜


Jules , I miss you everyday, I made a promise I will do all I can to help raise funds for research for this dreadful disease . I love you to the moon and back forever . This meerkat honours you and takes pride of place in my garden as I know you love them 💖

Ian Wood

Today we walked 9km around Narrabeen Lake in memory of both Ian and Beverly. Both lost their fight against Pancreatic Cancer this past year. While walking we were thanked by a woman who had lost her sister to the same cancer. May understanding and a cure of Pancreatic Cancer come soon.

Pip Else

My walk is in memory of my lost ones and all the other families who have lost a loved one


In loving memory of our beautiful mum, GLENICE - loved, adored and missed every day 💖

I know friends who have lost loved ones to pancreatic cancer. This challenge is for them.

Marisa Pjanic

For my darling husband Alfredo, whose bravery , strength and love served only to inspire. I miss him with all my heart and soul every day, and walk for him, for his beautiful mother, Lidia and all those who have had to endure this insidious disease.

Mum , I miss you every day. Forever in our hearts 💕

Mary Paint

Keep Fighting Brian I know it has been crap . Prayers for you and Raylene


I believe everyone deserves to live in a world free from cancer and suffering. So I'm participating in Remember September to stand with those fighting to survive.

Cynthia Mallo

My mother passed away on 27-06-1996. The next day was her 56th birthday, and I was 28 years old. Today I am 56 years old so I have been without her for half my life. It wasn't easy and I always miss her. There are many ‘invisible’ people in this world and I would like my mother not to be one of them. I hope that a cure can be found, or an early diagnosis can be made to give a chance to people who unfortunately have to receive this terrible news.

Wendy Clay

To Alan, You've been pragmatic and so strong and in your battle with Pancreatic cancer thus far. You have many family, friends and others who you don't know who are supporting and wishing you continued strength in fighting this horrible disease.


I miss you brother, my life will never be the same. You were one in a million and have been taken to soon.

Stephen Jones

My heart my love my husband I miss you

Michelle Ward

For Heather Rouen: Loving wife, mum and grandmother. Active sportswoman and valued community member. The diagnosis marks the start of a difficult road ahead.

Sue Crowe

I recently had a genuine scare of having pancreatic cancer. During a routine scan for something entirely different 2 suspect spots were detected on my pancreas. Let me tell you, it was a very scary time. Having survived cancer twice before I was frightened this time as there are no warning signals. I consider myself so very , very lucky to have received a negative cancer diagnosis, but not before giving me a huge scare. This is the reason I am helping raise much needed funds. Not everyone is so fortunate. Dig deep people, you just don't know what is around the bend.

Sarah Savill

My Mum, Sue, has inspired me to participate in Remember September after she passed away in 2002 when I was 10 years old. I vividly remember the sound of her laugh, how loving, happy, fun, kind, friendly, compassionate and helpful she was. It was so difficult to lose her but I know I wouldn't be who I am without that life experience. I really wish I'd been able to get to know her as an adult and have had her by my side for a much longer time but am grateful for the time we had as well as the memories, values and attributes she instilled in me.

Linda ford

If we can just raise enough money to get more research done for pancreatic cancer we might get more time with our loved ones

Doing this for my pa who died 10 years ago and my partners uncle who only passed recently

Courtney Hanson

Walking in honour of my beautiful Grandad I sadly lost to pancreatic cancer nearly 13years ago. I know he would be so proud 🥹

Walking again this year in memory of my beautiful Dad, Phillip who died in 2023, 10 weeks after diagnosis. I miss him everyday

Doing this for my dad Sam who we lost in 2017, 6 weeks after his diagnosis with pancreatic cancer

Bill Shorrock

I am so thankful for having shared 50 years with the love of my life Texd

Sandy Crombie

I'm walking in memory of my Dad, John Hughes who passed away at age 71 to Pancreatic cancer


I lost you to this terrible disease but I will always love you and always be with you.💜💜💜💜💜💜I will always REMEMBER you

Dana Pannett

One whole month without you here, pancreatic cancer really is horrible! Thankyou to everyone taking part in #RememberSeptember Love you forever and always, Grandad.

Michelle Cooper

We are walking to remember Col’s dad Merv and all those we know who have been impacted by pancreatic cancer. #supportthefight Sending love and hugs to you all. 💖🥰

Julie Madden

With you every step of the way. In my heart always along with Dale and Brett, loving memories of you and my boys. Love Auntie Julie( AJ) xx 11:11

Deb M Humpty

My dear Mum, Faye Maree Humphries, what a bloody legend! She was an amazing strong woman who touched so many people’s lives without realising it. Mum you were simply the best … a fighter … an inspiration and my hero! Love you Mum & miss you every single day 🥺🙌🏻💔

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.

Robyn Heinz

In tribute to my father and Uncle who were diagnosed and lost their battle within months of each other, 2015.


I am walking for my Dad, Dale Lapham . Today is my first walk as we have had storms lol but I am determined to succeed 😁

Candice Lancaster

Dearest Nanny, I miss you. It's been a little over a month now since you grew your angel wings, and there isn't a day where I don't think about you and hope that you're doing well. I love you.

Lorraine Cornwall

I’m walking for Dear Mr Mackie who passed over recently. He was a beautiful man and will be remembered and missed ❤️🙏🥰❤️

Nicola Faircloth

For all those who have come before, and for those that will unfortunately follow. We will continue to do our utmost for you. Miss this wonderful man.


Following in his footsteps living life to the fullest! In memory of 'Dad' Grandad' Help me to support research into the silent killer pancreatic cancer is. Dad lost his battle against pancreatic cancer like many others but he never gave up fighting. Donating his dna for research, I want to help the research to continue and keep Dads legacy alive but can't do it alone.


Here’s to you Dad, you worked hard your whole life to provide for the family and set you and mum up for retirement & your first year of retirement at 59 got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. You promised to get to 60 and with your hard will and determination left us 8 days later. Although we’ve always admired your hard work and dedication to saving for your future this has taught us to make the most of the present, go on that holiday, spend time with the family and live in the now because there might not be a later. I’m sure you’re building your sandcastles up there & surfing barrels in an endless summer


This is for all the Roy Williams’s out there. Roy has just been diagnosed and we’re doing this walk to try a make more people aware.

Walking on behalf of my bestir who lost her sister 2 months ago to this terrible disease. She fought a hard fight for 12 months but sadly lost her battle. Sylvia was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend and she will be remembered forever. Rest easy Sylvia

Kylie Mc Pherson

This is all for you Nan xx

Cheryl Saunders

I'm doing this in memory of my son-in-law who passed away within 6 weeks of being diagnosed with Aggressive Pancreatic Cancer IV

Stephen Jones

You are my hero my love my husband I hate doing life without you here by my side. You are the love of my life you are my other half and you have been gone now for 4 yrs and I doubt I will ever come to terms with losing you

I'm doing this walk to help raise awareness and funds, if it helps to save 1 family from suffering the loss like our family did.


Walking for my friend who has been diagnosed with this horrible cancer 💔


This is a very small tribute to Dawn, much smaller than what she deserves. Dawn is the kind of women who goes above and beyond for her family, her friends, her baseball team. Dawn we hold you up and fight with you, now more than ever.


Dad 🥰 you are a courageous man who gives his true kind heart to so many. You’re an inspiration to me and our gorgeous family. Don’t stop believing and also know that you make a difference and matter so much!


Walking in memory of my Dad who lost his life to this cruel disease in April 2024, 8 months after his diagnosis.


For my Aunty also ❤

To our loved one, this is for you!

John Tsoucalas

Love you John and miss you so much.

Jacinta Demeyer

In February 2017 we got the heart breaking news Dad had Pancreatic Cancer, in his MRI scan they found the mass on the tail of his pancreas and a few tiny spots on his liver and lungs diagnosed stage IV (metastasis). Dad endured 4 gruelling rounds of Chemotherapy he lost all of his hair and energy. In January 2018 days leading up to Dads passing, he was in so much pain his body was shutting down he stopped eating as the toxic waste inside his body was starting to build up. A few days before he past away the Dr put in an ascetic tap to help drain the build up of fluid, they managed to drain 8.5 litres of fluid from his abdomen allowing him enough comforting to pass away peacefully. Dad passed away on the 5th of March 2018, 12 days before I was due to get married.

Ross Peddlesden

Ross and his fellow Rotarians, doing their bit to help fight this cancer.


My Aunt Judy was diagnosed in 2023 and within 6 week on the 29 of march she lost her life. So in memory of my beautiful Aunt Judy I walk for the first time.

Renee Stent

I’m walking again this year in memory of my Dad who lost his battle with Pancreatic cancer in 2019. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of my Dad x

Rachelle Borg

I am honouring my sister who lost her battle on the 4th of August 2024. A true warrior and inspiration to many. So brave and will always be my hero.

Anita Waihi

Losing my Father to this terrible disease was the single biggest event in my life. Over 40 years ago and we know more now , there is so much more to learn. I walk to remember him and help others to live a long life.

Kristyn Butler

Missed every second of every day


Forever missed mum. Hoping that we can worth together to save other lives affected by this disease. To those lost and those who have lost - we stand in solidarity to fight pancreatic cancer 💜

I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the ripe old age of 25. 16 years on and I'm still here, but I know so many that weren't so lucky. Such a cruel disease


My Mum was diagnosed in March 2022 and passed away late June 2022 of pancreatic cancer. It was so fast it left us all spinning… I want to raise money for other families going through this horrible disease and possibly get more money for research with these funds. I want to honor her and make her proud by seeing this September through walking everyday and posting about her and this amazing cause.

Judi Davis

In honour of our precious Mike who succumbed to this insidious cancer.


Wish you were still here :(

Doing this in loving memory of my best friends sister who lost her battle 2mths ago.

Stuart Woolf

Walking in memory of my dad who passed away 11/11/2018 after fighting Pancreatic Cancer for 3 years and 3 months! We all miss him so much but he put up one hell of a fight against this horrible disease. Please support my walk so more people don't have to watch loved ones go through this horrible disease.

I lost my father to this terrible disease. Vale Johnny Brennan 19-11-16

Rachel Greig-Yule

Such a shining light in our family, Rach was diagnosed in March 2023 and lost her short battle with pancreatic cancer ( that spread to her liver) in Aug 2023. 5 short months but always the optimist she put up a brave face whilst receiving treatment until the only option was palative care. Her Husband Stuart, her kids Ethan & Zoe by her side. As her big brother I always tried to help her when I could, but not able to , this is the next best thing I can do in Rach’s name - help find better treatments or even a cure for pancreatic cancer. Rach always enjoyed walking/hiking so me trying to walk a few kms to help raise some funding for cancer research seems appropriate


I am walking in honour of my Dad who passed away in January. His love, faith, compassion and kindness will never be forgotten. I miss him everyday

Heather Rowe

I am walking to honour my sister Robyn, who was the kindest, most loving and humble woman you could ever meet.


I am walking for my Husband Shayne who lost his life after a short battle with this horrible disease. I believe early detection is key, because when Shayne started to have symptoms it was too late, and we could only rely on chemotherapy to try and treat this. He was an amazing partner, father, son, brother and mate. I will love you forever Shayno 💜💜💜


The Team at Link are walking in memory of Ann Warden who sadly passed away earlier this year. She treated everyone on the team at Link like family and Ann is greatly missed.

I am walking in memory of my wonderful grandfather who died suddenly due to Pancreatic cancer in 2021. He was my biggest supporter and one of the kindest people ever.

Darlene Mac Gowan

In honour of my beautiful mom that we lost in April 2015. Not a say goes by that I don’t think about, love, & miss her.

Megan Warren

I’m walking 142km this year in memory of my husband Ken who we lost to pancreatic cancer on the 6th of September last year. Ken was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer in February 2022, we were fortunate to have 18months with him post diagnosis. This is my second Remember September to raise awareness and money for Pancreatic cancer research. Ken Warren 9/3/1962 - 6/9/2023

Chris Kirk

Today was a hard one My first logged run today after a heartbreaking lose my mum Karen sadly passed away Mum was absolute fighter She gave me strength ,courage and determination 5/11/63 - 31/8/24 💜

Leeanne gibb

To all Thai’s are fighting and to all those have lost the fight this is for u all


In memory of my mum, who I miss dearly. From time we found out why you were sick, we only had 10 days with you. Never gave us enough time to say our goodbyes to someone you love so dearly.

Mandy Henderson

Remembering my beautiful, brave and loving friend Belinda 😘

Lee Scanlan

Wish I could change our 9 months to have my beautiful mum back…. Would do anything xx


In memory of my beautiful Mum, who lost her battle with this insidious disease 21 years ago. Miss you Mum, with all my love xxx

Margaret Grace

Difficult day, first Father's Day without my partner of 51 years and father to our three children and grandfather. The pain is still raw. Wishing well to all those who have lost a loved one to this insidious disease

Talina Vizard

I'm walking for Stewart Fowler a cousin with a big heart who's company we really miss. Also for Wendy Joy another very special cousin with whom I meditated for many years. I miss you too Wendy. I'm also walking for Wendy Phillips who's children grew up with ours, she was a dear and cherished friend for 49 years.

Barbara Jemima Symmons

My Mum, Barbara, Barb, Aunt Barb, Gran, Granny Babes, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 1997 - she passed away in Feb 1998, she was 59, two weeks shy of her 60th Birthday. This horrible disease took her away from her grand children - some as young as four - her children and in-law children, her siblings and her husband. I walk this September to remember her and her legacy and to raise funds so that we can at come up with a cure or at least come up with an early detection method, so treatment can be given earlier and lead to a longer life. Please donate to Remeber September. RIP Mum - 6th March 1938 to 19th February 1998.

Mel & Jonah Sullivan

PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation 71km Walk to fight Pancreatic Cancer. At 30 years old I was diagnosed with a rare form of Pancreatic Cancer at the time there were 33 reported cases in Australia. I undertook an 11 hour operation that changed my life. To be informed after surgery that for the size and location of the tumour, if it was any other pancreatic tumour I would have been told I would have had two and half weeks to live. I did have complications during surgery, however held on. Pancreatic Cancer takes the lives of 71 people a week (which has increased since 63 squats). The survival rate is 12.7% within 5 years of being diagnosed. 13 years ago was only 5% (I hope the donation of my tumour for research has increased the survival rate). If this wasn’t a miracle enough….I was pregnant with Jonah at the time and didn’t know. Two of us lived to tell the story, we want to raise awareness and money for research. 💜💜


In honour of Ken, Karen and Pete - gone in the last 12 months. For Emily’s dad and Nicolina’s partner. For those who have lost and for those who are left behind to mourn and celebrate their loved ones 💜💜💜


Gone but never forgotten. A life taken way to early. Love you Julia

Leah Benoit

In loving memory of my dear Mum, Margaret Griffiths, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer fifteen years ago.

Jodie Locke

This is for you Mum. I’m walking along with Donna, Leah and Ash. Almost a year since you were taken away from us by pancreatic cancer 4/9/23. You were so strong and put up a tough fight. We will remember you and carry you in our hearts forever. 💜💜💜💜

Sarah Vickers

Completing Steptember in honour of my dad who lost his battle in 2021 xxx missed everyday.

Tiffany Kennedy

I am taking part in this challenge for my Grandmother, who we lost in August this year. Since Nan's diagnosis, every day has been a challenge for Nan. This one is for you, Nan.

Love you so much mum… Doing this walk to celebrate you and your fighting , loving spirit…. The one thing you didn’t teach me was how to live without you… 💜💜💜

Linda Burrows

I'm moving it for my friend's dad. This one's for you Brian!

Kerry Ellis

Remembering my mum that lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in February this year. I miss her every day. Her cancer was picked up by chance (she had no symptoms) which I am grateful for as we had more time with her to make some beautiful memories before we had to say goodbye.


Remembering our friend Col...taken too soon from this earth. Loving husband, father, and treasured friend to many. You are sadly missed & will never be forgotten. Rest easy!

Rosanne Cook

I’m walking to remember my mum Olive Moyle who battled pancreatic cancer for 7 years. We miss her everyday


We miss you every day

Jill Reynolds

Help Ceda Reynolds raise money for Pancreatic Cancer. I’ve agreed to walk along from Esperance whilst she walks in Perth so you can donate for me on her page. We lost mum to Pancreatic Cancer and as a Nurse Cedas ward looks after multiple patients who have gone through a Wipples procedure. It’s a brutal surgery with sadly low success. She is seeing more and more younger people, men and women with Pancreatic Cancer, it’s no longer an ‘old man’s’ cancer and it’s quick. During mums treatment she paid for new treatments as a part of a trail. As a nurse she knew the fate of Pancreatic Cancer which is why she opted for the trials, she wanted to hopefully make a difference. One of those trails resulted in a chemo drug that’s now on PBS and saving the lives of women with Breast Cancer.

💜Taking steps together to end pancreatic cancer. 💜


My brother Grant has always been my “rock” and now it’s my turn to support him on his pancreatic cancer journey. You’ve got this little bro!


Today marks my second year honouring my mother-in-law. It's disheartening to see the high average of people who die from pancreatic cancer. However, we must hold onto hope and faith that we can work towards reducing these statistics and continue to support those who are still fighting against this terrible disease. Love you Olguita, you are always in my heart.t 💜


In memory of my Dad, a loving caring kind man. 3 yrs this yr since this devastating cancer took his life. Missed beyond words and loved beyond measure. ❤️❤️ till meet again dad.


Fourth year of doing this remembering my mum Peg, and her sister Fil who were both taken by this cruel cancer far too soon. I miss their sage advice, friendship and mad sense of humour. And solving world problems over cups of tea. 35 years since mum died and still the death rate climbs. This is also for everyone else who is battling or has lost the good fight, and for all of us left behind. 💜

Robyn Wallace

For my Dad, Frank gone 6 years but NEVER forgotten! Happy Father's day in Heaven! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Our reason - Luigi

We love you Nonno, this is for you! 🩵

Samantha Wickes

My Dad - Bobby fought this awful disease for many years and finally in 2023 he finally closed his eyes for the last time. I miss him every day and I am very proud of the way he fought this disease. I know in my heart he is at peace now - but I miss him 💔💔

Terrina Ryan

I am doing this challenge for my beautiful and talented sister Leverne McDonnell. She was given her angel wings in March 2013, but her loss is still there every day. She was given a short time to live after diagnosis, but she fought on for 18months, completing special things with her friends and family. She will always be missed. Love always

Geoff Stone

Better to have loved and lost than not loved at all. Our dearest friend,husband,father,brother and nephew. Forever in our thoughts and hearts.Shine bright xxx

Maria Simakova

I am doing this challenge for my stepdad, Murray, who we lost to this cancer in January this year. Happy father's day, Murray. We miss you so much 💕

Robyn Wallace

Happy Father's day to my Dad, Frank, gone 6 years but NEVER forgotten.

𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕚 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕜

𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕕𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞!! 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕒 𝕟𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕦𝕟 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣 & 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕕𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝕍𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕃𝕠𝕕𝕘𝕖. ℕ𝕠𝕨 𝕚𝕥𝕤 ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟


I am doing this challenge for my dad, who I lost 6 years ago to this horrible cancer. What a day to start it, Happy Father's Day Dad. Love and miss you.


Big big Sis and I are honouring our Mum Kaye. We lost Mum this March. We hope that we are able to assist to prevent further people having to suffer.

Pamela Horlor

Remembering my beautiful mum who lost her battle 2 years ago 💔💜 she tried so hard to stay as positive as possible with a smile on her face... I want to see a future without pancreatic cancer so families don't have endure what our family and mum did.. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Carmel Henry

Mark Henry - Dad Your life was a blessing Your memory a treasure Your love is still my guide And though I can not see you Your always by my side Loved beyond words and missed beyond measure ❤️


Mum and Auntie Fil were taken too young by this cruel cancer. I miss them both. Their mad sense of humour, their sage advice, their friendship. 💜💜


Happy Fathers Day dad. You left us recently but will forever live on in our hearts. Miss you everyday.

Mary-Anne Payn

Remembering the most amazing husband, father, grandfather and friend. We miss you heaps

Mary-Anne Payn

Beautiful memories of Tony and Family

Jacqui Roser

This is my fourth year doing Remember September in honour of my beautiful, amazing, missed being belief, mummy Zlata Roser. I’d also like to acknowledge and remember the parents of my wonderful friends who have also been lost to pancreatic cancer; Ben, Trev, and Sally. Is is a club that I wish none of us belonged to, but the love and support I’ve received from each of these friends has been invaluable ❤️ To my mum, I love you forever and always, and I will continue living my life the best way you’d want me to; with love and happiness.

Brian Prince

The late Brian Prince, a gentleman and dedicated paramedic and Rotarian in the Bundaberg region.

Amy Hocroft

I'm Walking for Aunty Sue who we lost to pancreatic cancer in May 2021.

Brian Prince

A special man who did so much for the community.

Taylah Brown

Lost my nan to this disease last week, 24/8/24. We will honour your strength & continue your beautiful legacy. i love you & miss you every single day 💜💜💜

Libby Garness

One of the brightest lights in my friendship circle went out in 2019. Susie Sumner was larger than this life and has gone to spread her sparkle elsewhere I don’t only remember her is September BUT doing so this month can help others like her. Please, if able, support my campaign so others may continue to shine longer on earth x

Lea Distill

I'm walking this Septemver in honour of my beloved husband Russ. It will be 2 years since he passed on the last day of this challenge September 30. Gone but always loved and never forgotten.

My Nan has inspired me to take part in Remember September as we sadly lost her to pancreatic cancer back in 2017.

Love You Mum x

Katie McGinty

To my hero, Dad. Keep fighting the fight. You are braver than you think and loved more than you will ever know.xx

Tracey Washington-Lacy

In memory of my mum Trudy Washington. It’s nearly 5 years mum and I miss you every day. I smile when I hear a kookaburra ‘laughing’. Your favourite bird. My goal for this remember September is 142kms. 71kms for you mum. And 71kms for our dear friend Chris Hudd. It’s two years tomorrow on Sept 1st since Chris too was destroyed by this cruel disease. You both loved life, family, nature and footy. So I will walk in nature in memory of you both.

Cherie Cook

In honour of my mother who died of pancreatic cancer in 1976

Doing my part to assist in the research


Missing you Julia. Gone but never forgotten


Remembering our friend Col...taken too soon from this earth. Loving husband, father, and treasured friend to many. You are sadly missed & will never be forgotten. Rest easy!

Lara Clark

Remembering you today and always Ruth


I am participating in this challenge to honour the memory of my mother in law, Betsy. More than a few of my family members have been taken too soon by this insidious disease. I dream of a day when cancer is just a horrible memory. Sending love to everyone fighting or supporting someone who is fighting! Let's beat this thing!

Family and Friends, F&F

We shall be healthy, eat well, cut the crap and flush the gut. No more gut or pancreas issues. God blessed us.

Colleen White

Remembering my beautiful Mum Beth Quinlan who died in 2016 of this hideous disease . Go Pankind and let’s find a cure

I am walking 71km in September for pancreatic cancer in honour of my Dad Pete who we lost from this horrible disease earlier this year. Miss him everyday

Lauren Moreland

My dad, Ernie Waters, fought until he couldn’t fight anymore. He is remembered for his deep belly laugh. He Loved life. He was loved and is missed greatly. We lost him in 2010 but think about him every day. If there is anything we can do to stop any other family from feeling this loss I will.

Bev Juergens

Our dad Bern left this world 26th August 2023. Such a caring and funny man. His three daughters, Bev, Barb and Liz are giving up chocolate and sugar(dad's favourite) taken too soon. Missed greatly.


You are a strong and a fighter!!!!

Darren Eaton

My partner Kristy and I are both taking up the challenge in honor and remembrance of my beautiful mum, Faye Eaton who sadly passed earlier this year. Dearly missed and eternally loved every day.

Jessica Hamilton

I am doing this so that people like my sil Marnie, and my friends Erika and Steve will not have to endure the agony of dying with this horrendous cancer. These friends were fit and healthy and taken way too young. We love and miss you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Remembering Griff - our fun loving, hockey playing, record collector friend!


Lost my grandma to pancreatic cancer in 2002, then my mum was diagnosed in 2020

Honouring our dear Mum/Nanny who fought for 3 long years after diagnosis until passing on 17 August 2024. She was the strongest, kindest, most beautiful person in our world, and we all miss her so much. Forever in our hearts xx


Doing this challenge for a friend lost. May his memory stay alive.

Laura Davis

Honouring our Mum/Nanny who fought for 3 long years after diagnosis until passing on 17 August 2024. She was the strongest, kindest, most beautiful person in our world, and we all miss her so much. Forever in our hearts xx

Welma van Schalkwyk

I'm walking for my husband of 34 years, the adrenaline junkie and dad to our two grown-up kids and Oupa to our two grand children. I am greatful our fight is not over yet and are thinking of all those who have lost their battle and their loved ones. ❤️💜

Kerry Hallam

Honouring Dave who fought hard against this horrible disease. Miss you every day. x

Donna Cecil

Doing this for mum, Helen Sheppard. She passed away September 4th 2024 to this horrible cancer.

Gail Noonan

I am fund raising in memory of Tom who was taken way to soon ❤️

Marie Carmody

Remembering my Mum who battled for six months with Pancreatic Cancer. Passing on the 13th of August 2024. Forever in our hearts 💜


Miss you everyday Niko!!

Miss you everyday Grandma 💜 08/09/1970 - 06/11/2023


I’m walking for my father who died from pancreatic cancer after four short months in March 2010. Much loved father and grandfather xxx

Deborah Maxwell

Together we can help find a cure for this horrible disease. Sandy you were and are the strongest person I know from you being diagnosed to your untimely departure 5 short weeks is all we all had to try and comprehend what you were going through. Love you forever until we meet again my friend


In memory of my mother Pat who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 1984


In loving memory of my late uncle Steve Molloy 😌

Paige Sherwood

I’m walking this September to remember my father Russel Sherwood who passed away after a short five month battle with pancreatic cancer. A sore shoulder was the first symptom but the diagnosis would change our lives forever. I love you dad so much and think of you every minute of the day xox


Love and miss you forever my beautiful angel sis 🐼💟

Helen Ellison

Friends for over 50 years. Trevor Croucher lost his battle with cancer 26th August 2024. He first lost an eye to cancer a few years ago, making him a confirmed one eyed Port supporter, and although have checkups as advised it metastasized elsewhere in his body until he finally succumbed. RIP TC

Emelina Acosta

That is why my fight against this disease is dedicated to all those who are fighting against it and to all its victims, but to one in particular, someone who was born and died in the month of September, someone with whom I would have liked to have spent great moments and many more years at her side, but because of this disease her life was unfortunately taken away, my dear grandmother Emelina Sofia Acosta Díaz. Wherever you are this coming month, I will remember you with the deepest love and affection, that which you gave me in the few years that you lived with me, thank you very much Mamamela! 🫂❤️

Alison Carter

Dear Lindsay, our time together was great yes we had our ups and downs, everyone does. But the time we had together was great but way too short. My love for you remains and always will.

Cancer sucks

Lisa Griffiths

There were so many things we didn't get to do together. So much more of life to live

Allan (Bluey) Graham

Miss you everyday Dad 16/01/1942 to 23/12/2006

Helen Ellison

Trevor Croucher lost his battle with cancer 26 August 2024. We had been friends for over 50 years. RIP

Yvette Hoffmann

For Koos Joubert. Missed every day, always in our hearts, never forgotten

I'm walking 107km in memory of my dad because that is how long he was alive for after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Craig Smith

I'm giving up alcohol in honour of my aunty Julie who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Craig Smith

I'm raising money for pancreatic cancer this September in honour of my aunty Julie who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Sandra Zaiter

I'm walking 71kms in September for my darling brother-in-law Elias Chiha who sadly passed away on 26th March 2022. He was a kind hearted, generous and a unique character who touched so many lives and helped so many people. We all miss you so much and life is not the same without you. I also send prayers and love to anybody battling cancer.


I walk 71 kms with my 2 beautiful children and some inspirational friends to honour and remember my much loved and courageous husband, John Bove. He lost his battle to pancreatic cancer in October 2023 at only 52 years. By the time he was diagnosed he was already stage 4, with the cancer having metastasised to his liver. John fought a most impressive battle for 17 months like a true warrior committed to making the absolute most of every moment he could create memories with his beloved family and friends. He is deeply missed every single day. We walk hoping for the day other families don’t have to lose their loved ones to this debilitating disease. XXX

Ally Pedder

I am taking on the challenge of Remember September in memory of my grandfather William "Bill" Cole who lost a short, fierce battle with pancreatic cancer in 2015. Always remembered.

Mel Livens

In loving memory of my mum, Marg, a total of 16 days from diagnosis to death.

Judi Davis

In honour of my late son, Micheal, I'm going to walk in September to help raise funds for pancreatic cancer research. If you would like to make a small donation it would be appreciated and hopefully some time this insidious cancer can be beaten.

Barb Kounis

Remember my Dad Bern, he was undiagnosed for a long time and when we did get a definatifive diagnosis it was a very short time that we had any quality time with him. Its a very silent killer. I hope that thru more funded reasearch and fundraisers like this we can put Pancreatic Cancer on the early diagnosis early cure spectrum.


Walking at least 71 kms this month in memory of my dad, Jeff who passed away recently. This is for him and the wonderful doctors, nurses and care assistants who made him as comfortable as possible during his battle. Not a day go by that i dont think about him. Miss you Dad


Remembering my beautiful mum after her battle 9 years ago. Gone but never forgotten. Love you mum xxx

Judi Adams

I'm walking with my dawg to honour all the wonderful people I've been lucky enough to meet on my pancreatic cancer journey. From the researchers, doctors, surgeons through to friends, family, pets, and of course the patients at the national pancreatic cancer support group this is my way of showing my solidarity. Thank you to the Pankind team for 16 years of work to make a difference.


My Dad xx


Doing it for Dad and all those affected by pancreatic cancer. 💜💜💜 “There's no reason why you should ever walk alone.” (Nianell (2012). I walk with you. On the My Heart album.)

Richard Gibbon

Walking in memory of our great friend Rosie who passed away in 2015 from PC. She's in our thoughts every day as she was such a kind, warm, generous soul. Truly missed. Love ya Rosie xxxxxxxxxx


Doing the 71 k for my dear father who will be 2 years gone on the 13th of September. Battled this horrible disease like a warrior for 6 month but diagnosis was too late. More research into this deadly disease is needed. May everyone who has lost the battle to pancan RIP x


Susan and Peter Ewen I'm doing this challenge for my parents, I lost my dad in 2014 and my beautiful mum in July this year both to pancreatic cancer. If I can make a difference even just a small one..

Every step I walk I hope makes a difference in those battling this cancer x

Tracy Bull

Raelene Barker 31/8/1956 - 8/9/2023 Your Spirit lives on. 🕊️✨ Every step taken is for you and all those that have been impacted by cancer We miss you Sis love Tracy xxx Loved eternally by all your family and friends xxx

Heather Robinson

!I'll remember Hen as my dad said to me at my wedding 29 years ago and that was my dads last gathering with family and friends as he past 5 months after that Back then they had no idea what it was until it was to late I think of u everyday love you Dad never forgotten ♥️ ❤️

Ross Perkins

I lost my Rita to this unforgiving disease on the 4th Sepetember 2018, so this month brings a special feeling of love, sadness and soul searching. Through many years she suffered with her mental illness, brought on by the trauma associated with childhood abuse. So for her to be diagnosed and riddled with this disease after such an already harrowing past was not something she deserved. She was always caring and giving, always greeting and hugging people even though she battled mentally. This disease is the worst cancer. It reduces a person to an unrecognisable human being from what they once were. September is a special month for me and I am supporting this foundation in the Remember September walk. After starting my own foundation in Rita's name I found it not easy and it's not an easy task raising funds for research. I love this Pankind Foundation and am proud to partner and be a small part of it. There isn't many that support pancratic cancer so this foundation is exactly what we need to rid ourselves of this debilitating disease. Rita had a 100% excellent immune system and never caught a cold or flu but taking chemo and meds her immune system failed and after 9 months of debilitating chemo, meds and hospital admissions due to virus infections from her never giving up on hugging people she succumb to this horrible disease. Rita is and always will be remembered as a special and loving person who needed support. This September month my walk with everyone to bring awareness and hopefully much needed research to the forefront will help bring a cure and stop this desease in its tracks. No one needs to go through this pain. I'm sure you are at peace now. I will remember and love you always. Love you Rita xx


9 years ago in October, 2024 we lost our beautiful mum, nanna and friend. Missed every day by us all, especially your great grandchildren who never met you. Miss you mum but loved forever


Forever loved, and dearly missed. Always in our hearts and thoughts. Love you so much dad


Hey Aunty Sandra, so I've done this thing and signed up to walk 71km over the month of September to raise funds to hopefully find a cure for that awful disease that took you from us. Stop laughing, I will walk the 71km as I've had some wonderful people donate in your memory! You've been gone 1 year today and I still haven't learnt to live without my beautiful Aunt. My pain still overwhelms me to where I feel I can't breath. You've left such a hole in our lives. I love and miss you desperately xx

Rebecca Anne Hopper

For mum and granny

So many people to honour. Taking on the challenge in memory of Fran, Eddy and Rudy and to stand with Leanne.

Joanne Stanbury

I shied away from being involved at first, as didn't need another reminder of the tragic loss we endured this year. But then took the first step and created the page, adding the beautiful pictures and received my TShirt! Now I’m inspired after so much support from friends and family to walk and be proud of my amazing husband and raise funds to help so many other families and researchers to navigate this awful disease.

Michael Berbari

In memory of my dad, Joe, who lost his battle in 2021. This is my 3rd year to walk to raise money for pancreatic cancer research. Overwhelmed with the support - reached my goal before September even started! Love you Dad ❤️


Early detection can save your life The recovery from any whipples procedure is the worst experience I have ever gone thru My road to recovery is far but over but I hope sharing my story will encourage others not to ignore the signs

Courtney Vinson

My dad was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer a few months ago, he’s undergone so much chemo and next is whipple surgery. He’s the best dad, he’s always supported me and my kids, always my biggest fan and he’s so young, he still has kids in highschool! This isn’t fair. He’s just added a couple more grandkids to the clan too and they need their Pops around. Who else is going to introduce them to Metallica, and teach them how to headbang. I wish there was more research and more options. That’s why I’m doing this challenge. To raise money to help research and hopefully cure this horrid disease.

Bree pettiona

She is our world and it saddens us to watch her fight this horrible disease, so i will walk and raise funds so that we can provide hope to other who are fighting and will inevitably be fighting Love and light to all both here and gone 💞

Todd Sheldon

Thinking of you mum/nanny susan, miss you every day.

Julie Wilson

6 years ago, my husband,,children's father and poppy, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer 💜 Miss you, Steve.

Chris Kirk

We all love you nanny 💜

Chris kirk

Can’t thank these beautiful donators it’s not even September yet and all ready reach my target This is for you mum 💜

For Jen with love


This year I am raising funds for my beautiful friend Leanne who was only diagnosed in recent weeks. I hope every $ raised will assist in her living a long and healthy life


Nearly 5 years without you mum and I think of you everyday ❤️

For my Beautiful Abuela, we miss you. Something so so special to myself and my family! Raising funds so we can see an early diagnosis of this awful disease. In hopes to give others an extra day, weeks, months or years with there special person. 💜💜💜💜

Rae Barker 31/8/1956 - 8/9/2024 🕊️💜✨

Dear Sis, Where ever I may wander I know that forever in my heart you will be. Loved and missed by all your family and friends. I walk each step throughout September mindfully for you and all those impacted by cancer. Love Tracy Bull 🕊️💜✨🚶‍♀️

Samantha Dippel

I'm doing this "Rember them this September" in honor of my Grandad Alic Don Dippel. From the moment we found out we had 6 weeks with him. I am doing this challenge to raise funds to help early detection. Not a day goes by that i don't think of you and remember the hardworking man you were! 7 years this year and it still feels like yesterday. I'm determined to meet the challenge as you have always shown me there's always a way through hard work.

Julie Wilson

6 years ago my husband, father and poppy lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. In loving memory of Steve💜

Chrystal Gallagher

I’m doing this in memory of my mum Julie. She died from Pancreatic cancer when she was 38 and I was 10. She was my absolute queen!

Jess Curle

I lost my Nunna in March this year to complications from pancreatic cancer. The time between diagnosis and her passing was very quick and devastating. She was the heart of the family. Her door was always open and there was always food on the go if you needed. She will always be missed. I was heartbroken to find out that 71 people die every week from pancreatic cancer and 10 people are diagnosed EVERYDAY in Australia. I'm doing this to raise much needed funds in the hopes that people don’t have to go through the heartbreak myself and my family went through and are still going through.

Mila Woods

My beautiful sister Tess inspires me to take on this challenge ❤️


Forever in my heart Sandy

Kim Cancellier


Joan Miller

This is a wonderful way to remember our mother, sister, grandmother, aunt and friend. Mum sacrificed so much for her children adored her grandchildren and suffered at the hands of this horrible disease.


I will be remembering my uncle this September and as I’m walking I will be thinking about how this money will help other go through what he did x


I lost my dad 3 months ago after 2 and half year battle with cancer. I’m doing this to honour him and keep his memory alive. Let’s spread awareness and raise money for a cause that’s close to so many peoples hearts. Forever fishing. 🎣


To all that have lost their lives this challenge is for you 💜🦋🪽🌻✨ Rest in Paradise X

Steve Evans

My family lost my Dad Gerard Evans to pancreatic cancer 10 years ago. He only had 4 weeks from his diagnosis to his death at aged 78. I just hope that one day we can detect this horrible disease early enough for treatment to be effective. Thinking of everyone that has been touched in some way by pancreatic cancer. You’re not alone


I love you always nana Charlie.


I miss you every single day.

Kerry Hulm

My beautiful friend Donna


My mum because she was one of the strongest women I knew ❤️

Kasia 💞

To everyone that has had someone pass for cancer remember,,we will remember them, we will honer them, we will all fight for them, you are not alone!!

I feel for everyone that has had someone pass from any form of cancer, remember your not alone there are people on your side..!

Dale Norton

I am walking 150 kms in September for my brother Wayne. Earlier this year he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. He is currently undergoing treatment with Chemotherapy. This cancer creeps up on people and is hard to detect early. We all need to help fund more research and education into this cancer. Please help us raise more awareness and more funds for this cause. Thank you.

I'm inspired by everyone that has to confront this terrible disease and others like it.

Chantelle Baohm

My mother was a beautiful caring woman who devoted her life to her family. She was an outstanding wife and mother who always put herself behind the needs of everyone else. She was incredibly talented and intelligent and I think of her and miss her every day. Unfortunately I cant tell her anymore how much I love and appreciate everything she did for my Dad, brother, sister and I, but I know she is with us always. I love you Mum, you were the best mother anyone could ask for. If I am even half the mother you were to us, then I know I have done ok ❤

Sue Webster

I am walking 71km this September in memory of Sue Webster. Sue dedicated her life to NSW AMBULANCE, and I knew her from when I was a young teenager. She showed me what it is to love what you do. She was compassionate, kind, inclusive and would take the time to talk to you no matter who you were. When she got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer she didn’t hide, she drove all over the state organising brunches and functions so people could say goodbye. That day she was happy, in pain but happy and that was the day I told her I was about to start my training in Ambulance next week and she was so filled with joy, the day I posted in my uniform she commented about how proud she was. And the day I found out she had passed away was the day I finished my training. I’m doing this for you Sue.

Adele Zito

I am walking this year to honour some very special ladies who can no longer walk the earth with me:) My Yia Yia - Maria passed away from pancreatic cancer 10 years ago this September. She had a very short battle with this awful disease and was taken from us too quickly. I miss her every single day! I am also walking for my Mother In Law - Anna, she passed away from pancreatic cancer in July this year. Another amazing lady, whose life was cut short in its prime. Anna was a courageous women, who taught me so much. I am also walking for Anna's cousin Mary, also taken by pancreatic cancer. The passing of these beautiful women has left a hole in our lives that will never go away. We get better at walking around it, but it remains forever. So I've chosen 213km, 71km for each lady...this is nothing compared to what you have all been through. This is for you ladies xx


My beautiful grandma passed away from pancreatic cancer in June 2022, a 5 month battle and she fought to the very end. She was the light in our lives and my very best friend.


My husband Ken passed away last year from Pancreatic Cancer


Mum has fought hard and is currently doing well!! We need to help find a cure, because losing these amazing people in our lives is so unfair!!

Family, centred around my mum!!

My amazing mum with my kids!


I’m so grateful to have raised these funds to help research and education efforts to understand pancreatic cancer better. The only way this happened was through great friends and supporters who’ve surpassed my initial pledge amount!! Thanks again💖

Mark Street

Teresa you fought so hard and your med team enabled us to have some pretty amazing times through our journey after the shattering news of your diagnosis. Robbed of our future but an amazing past that will live on forever in my memory. I hope that the efforts of many will continue to support the research and some very smart people to find solutions to diagnose the horrible disease much sooner and give some hope.

Leo Geopano

My husband recently underwent another surgery to remove a neuroendocrine tumour.

Jessica Ryan

Granma, we all miss you so much, more than words can describe. Thank you for being my best friend. I hope I am doing you proud. I love you 💜

Joanna Patching

Remembering our very special mother, Hazel Mary Patching, who passed in 2007 with pancreatic cancer. Always loved. Never forgotten.

Elana Scicluna

Walking in memory of my dad and Nonna (grandmother) who lost their battles to pancreatic cancer - 1 year and 10 years respectively!

Julianne Twigge

My Dad grew his wings too early so for the month of September I am choosing to walk at least 71kms.

David and Steve Foster

Heather Campbell

I’m walking 71kms in memory of my husband Robert. My beautiful and caring husband is forever loved and missed… We lost you 17 years ago, but you will always be in our hearts forever.

Eugenia Morris

September is definitely a time to remember… Our mom would have been 71 this September and it will be 8 years since pancreatic cancer took her from us. She was and is our love, our light, our everything, and in honour of her and all of the others that have been taken and diagnosed with this cruel disease, I am doing my part to raise funds so that some hope can be discovered..

Colleen Bellamy

I am doing this challenge for my Sister Sandra who is bravely fighting this disease, she is about to start a trial treatment which is only available to a few & is only available due to the research.


Remembering my Dad xx


I am taking part in this challenge to remember my dad David Davis who sadly passed away in May of 2021. My dad was a father to 7 children, loved to play guitar and was a black belt in Kung Fu. He passed away just 8 weeks after diagnosis at 57 years old. I want to live in a world where families get more time with their loved ones and they’re able to know before it’s too late 💕

Tanya Bennett

We miss you Billy. Every day. It's only been a year, but it feels like much more.

Anne Kelly

I’m walking 71km in September for my brother Mark who lost his battle with Pancreatic cancer last year. Taken far too soon and dearly missed. Fundraising for a cure so this horrible disease doesn’t take more loved ones away.


I am taking on the challenge to walk 71 km in memory of my late brother Ian, who died at 37 from pancreatic cancer. He fought a long hard battle for 10 months and was very brave through out the surgery, treatments and even in his last weeks. I miss him and his wicked sense of humor and adventure.


My heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones to this terrible disease, my family has sadly been impacted by this at the start of the year as my mum fights her battle with stage 4 Love and light to all who are still fighting the hard battle 💞

Heather Fraser

I lost three grandparents to this cancer. The sooner it is eradicated the better. No one should have to go through this.

Pamela Wood

Making fairy floss together

Brittany Sawtell

I’m taking part in remember September this year to honour my uncle James who passed this month after giving one heck of a fight. I’m also doing this for everyone who suffered from this horrible illness.

Rino Bisetto, Adelina Vardanega Ziliotto and Bruno Badoco

My beautiful Uncle, Nonna and Friend, I am here to remember you, honour you and fight for you. Forever in my heart and in my dreams. xoxoxo

Madeleine Goodhew

For my beautiful mumma Trish and grandmother Bez. I miss you so so much! All I do is for you! The 2 most important women in my life and now my angels in heaven. I honour you 🩷

Anthony collins

Shane Bradford we will never forget you

Jill Lees

For my fastest dad who meant the world to me. Taken too soon by pancreatic cancer


Hey everyone, Thanks for taking the time to check out this page and support this fundraiser for pancreatic cancer. We know that cancer is something that has impacted all of us- indirectly or directly. I’m participating in this challenge to support those impacted by cancer and to their friends/family too. Also, who doesn’t love wearing a purple shirt?!

Marie Sellen

Last November my family's life changed with the diagnosis of my beautiful mum. 12 weeks 5 days later mum lost her battle and we lost our world. I'm doing this in honour of you my beautiful mumzy love you always and f__,k I miss you ❤️

Donna Gilbert

Last November my whole family's life changed with the diagnosis of my beautiful mum having stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Mum was my hero my confident and my world 12 weeks 5 days later Mum lost her battle and we lost the best women in our lives. I'm doing this for you Mum and will do every year in your honour.

Kathleen Williamson

I am walking to honour the memory of my dear friend Terry. His loss has left a giant teddy-bear sized hole in my heart. Terry was a man of strength and character and it is unfathomable that he was not able to beat this cancer. He fought valiantly and never lost his sense of humour. He loved his family and friends fiercely and his kindness, empathy and wisdom still echoes in our hearts.

My super hero Rinchen

Losing my dad to pancreatic cancer has been a profound and painful experience. He was a man of strength, kindness, and unwavering love, who taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience. Despite the cruelness of his illness, he faced every challenge with courage and grace, leaving an enduring legacy of compassion and wisdom. His memory continues to guide me, reminding me of the love and lessons he shared. Though he is no longer with us, his spirit lives on in my heart, and I am forever grateful for the time we had together. I will always strive to make him proud. Forever in our hearts. My dad didn’t stand a chance due to lack of research, technology and treatment but I am committed to give that chance to another person going through the same. Join me in raising fund to fund those research and give the gift of life to another person.


In loving memory of my Dad Rinchen. Today, I honor the memory of my beloved dad, who was taken from us far too soon by the cruel disease of pancreatic cancer. My dad was a man of strength, wisdom, and unconditional love. He taught me the value of kindness, the importance of perseverance, and the power of a gentle heart. Though his battle was hard and his suffering immense, he faced it with a grace and courage that inspired everyone around him. His laughter, his guidance, and his unwavering support have left an indelible mark on my heart. He was not just my father but my friend, my teacher, and my hero. I miss him every day, but I find comfort in the beautiful memories we shared and the lessons he imparted. His spirit lives on in the stories I tell, the traditions I carry forward, and the love I feel in my heart. Dad, I am so grateful for the time we had together. Your legacy of love, strength, and resilience will continue to guide me. I will always strive to make you proud, just as you always believed in me. I love you, Dad. Rest in peace, knowing that your light still shines brightly in my life.

DP Singh Bhullar

This September, I'm walking 71km for the 71 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer each week. Pancreatic cancer is now the 4th biggest cancer killer in Australia, and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating. If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tomorrow, there is only a 12.5% chance you'll be alive in 5 years. But research can change this. Your support will fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates. So this September, I'm challenging myself to get up, get moving and walk 71km to fight this terrible disease. Please make a donation to support me, and together... We will remember them. We will honour them. We will fight for them.


Of course! Here's a heartfelt tribute you can use to raise money for the Pancreatic Cancer Foundation in support of your mum: --- **In Honor of My Mum - A Tribute to Strength and Hope** Today, I stand with a heavy heart but a steadfast spirit, as I dedicate this tribute to my incredible mum, who is bravely fighting the battle against pancreatic cancer. This disease is fierce and relentless, but so is the love and tenacity of those who fight it. My mum is a beacon of strength, a source of inspiration, and the heart of our family. Her laughter fills our home with warmth, her wisdom guides us through life’s challenges, and her love is a constant reminder of what truly matters. Despite the challenges she faces, my mum shows a resilience that inspires us all every single day. We are coming together today to raise funds for the Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, an organization dedicated to funding research, supporting patients and their families, and spreading awareness about this devastating disease. With every dollar we raise, we move one step closer to better treatments, early detection methods, and ultimately a cure. I invite you to join me in this fight. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, can make a difference in the lives of those affected by pancreatic cancer. Together, we can help others who are facing similar battles and give hope to families like mine. Let us honor my mum's courage and the courage of all those fighting this disease. Thank you for your support, compassion, and for standing with us in this fight. Together, we can bring light to the darkest of times and hope to those who need it most. **Donate today and be part of the change we wish to see.** With all my love, Sarah

My mum

In Honor of My Mum - A Tribute to Strength and Hope** Today, I stand with a heavy heart but a steadfast spirit, as I dedicate this tribute to my incredible mum, who is bravely fighting the battle against pancreatic cancer. This disease is fierce and relentless, but so is the love and tenacity of those who fight it. My mum is a beacon of strength, a source of inspiration, and the heart of our family. Her laughter fills our home with warmth, her wisdom guides us through life’s challenges, and her love is a constant reminder of what truly matters. Despite the challenges she faces, my mum shows a resilience that inspires us all every single day. We are coming together today to raise funds for the Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, an organization dedicated to funding research, supporting patients and their families, and spreading awareness about this devastating disease. With every dollar we raise, we move one step closer to better treatments, early detection methods, and ultimately a cure. I invite you to join me in this fight. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, can make a difference in the lives of those affected by pancreatic cancer. Together, we can help others who are facing similar battles and give hope to families like mine. Let us honor my mum's courage and the courage of all those fighting this disease. Thank you for your support, compassion, and for standing with us in this fight. Together, we can bring light to the darkest of times and hope to those who need it most. **Donate today and be part of the change we wish to see.** With all my love and gratitude, Sarah


I’m doing this to honour my Grandfather in the hopes that one day no family ever has to suffer from this terrible disease

In memory of my Nan 💜


I am honouring our very special friend Julie who fought so hard to try and beat this horrible cancer. Very hard to say goodbye to such a loving, caring woman who always saw the best in everyone and everything. Heaven has reclaimed a perfect Angel.

Jackie Towns

I’m walking 71km this September in honour of my grandmother who passed from pancreatic cancer some years ago

David Noonan

In memory of my Dad. You will always be missed but always with us. We miss you heaps and cherish the memories we have.


A dedication to my Aunty Marie, who passed away last week, 3 years after her sister Josie passed away also from Pancreatic Cancer. Since her diagnosis Aunty Marie kept a positive attitude making the most of every day.

Amy Smyth

Inspired by my beautiful Mum, Wendy 💜

Charles Blanshard

To all who are no longer with us, you are in our hearts.

DP Singh Bhullar

I have recently learned a lot more about pancreatic cancer and it is absolutely horrible that people have to go through having this horrible disease. My heart goes out to those who have had to suffer from this disease either directly or through someone else. Please help in the fight against pancreatic cancer


Walking to support my amazing sister. Please help support the fight against pancreatic cancer.


Walking to help support my amazing sister. Please help in the fight against pancreatic cancer

Melissa Grsic

I will be walking for you this September dad but you are with me every day. I miss you more and more as each day goes by. You fought a good fight, now rest in peace and watch me from above as I honour you 💔

Catherine Zammit

I’m a Nanny now to 5 beautiful grandchildren and I need to be here to see them grow up, I am cancer free and really well so I am hoping to raise money to help others.

Sarai brown

Your battle was short, but your life was long, rest easy old pop.


In the remembrance of our dear friend, Dr Jason Foo. A kind hearted doctor, a great friend and a loving father and husband to his family who passed away last September due to Pancreatic cancer.

I’ll be walking this September in honour of my beautiful step mum Lou, who we sadly lost 12 months ago! #4ever47


For the many patients and their families who pass through my life, I remember them by having a laugh and a drink by the river, toasting to their memory and remembering the strength they showed during their journey.


I miss you each and every day Daddy but trying to make you proud .

Michelle Gifford

Forever in my ❤ heart.


To the strongest person I know. You will never be forgotten and are always missed x

Isabella Parisi

Supporting Remember September for an amazing woman in my life my grandmother, who lost her battle to pancreatic cancer in 2023! We will remember all of them💜

Kylie Annetta

Miss you everyday 💜


Our mum was an eccentric woman who was an adventurer at heart. She was an advocate for all creatures great and small. Her love for nature and her phrase ‘nature knows best’ is one of her legacies. It taught us to stop, be quiet, listen and observe- answers will come from the natural world. If only she lived a little longer to be around for her youngest grandkids … I’m hoping my small contribution will go some way to help the funding budget for pancreatic cancer education and research in Australia.

Jenny Elsing

12 years ago my beautiful mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I wasn’t far enough in my nursing degree to know it was a death sentence for her. Pancreatic cancer still remains one of the leading killers and I want to help raise awareness and funds to change that

I have recently learned a lot more about pancreatic cancer and it is absolutely horrible that people have to go through having this horrible disease. My heart goes out to those who have had to suffer from this disease either directly or through someone else.

Carla Melamet

💜 I have doubled my walking & fundraising target for this Remember September 💜

Kristal M

My dad sadly passed away from Pancreatic Cancer 6 years ago. Within 10 months of being diagnosed we had to say goodbye. I'm hoping with this challenge it will get people on board to donate and raise awareness for this horrible cancer. Love you dad 💜💜💜

Maryanne Middlemiss

Remembering my beautiful friend Joan who was taken by Pancreatic Cancer in August 2019.

Barb Thomson

In memory of my beautiful sister Jan Hocking


Miss you Dad

Ryan Black

My dad was the kind of man who left an indelible mark on everyone who knew him. He was not only my father but also my best friend. When I was just 14, pancreatic cancer took him from us, but his spirit remains a constant presence in my life. My dad had a passion for fishing and metalwork, spending countless hours in the shed, where he found peace and purpose. Some of the best days of my life were spent by his side, fishing with my brother, casting lines into the water, and sharing stories that I still hold close to my heart. Though he never got the chance to meet my son, I know he would have been the most incredible grandfather, passing on his love for the simple, beautiful moments in life. I hope he is proud as he watches over us, guiding me in raising my own family with the same love and values he instilled in me. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss him. His wisdom, kindness, and unwavering support were the foundation of my life. I carry his memory with me in everything I do, striving to live a life that honors the man he was. Dad, you were loved by all, but most of all, you were loved by me. I miss you every day.

To my uncle and aunty, i love you both dearly. Forever in our hearts. Rest easy

Susie Dracopoulos

In memory of our middle sister Gina Dracopoulos who was always willing to help others and make a difference. Fly high and keep sprinkling the fairy dust!

Pat Medley

We love you and miss you so much Nan.


In honour of my Mother in law ,and all the loved ones who have fought this battle. You are missed and loved beyond words and comprehension.This one’s for you all!!!!


I will be walking in honour of my Dad this year. I know he will be walking along side me. My Dad looked me in the eyes for the last time 12.36pm on July 22 this year. He is the bravest, strongest, kindest man I have ever known. He was on a drug trial for just over a year in WA He always kept positive. He would say laughter is the best medicine and was stayed stoic till the end. I hope that data collected will help other daughters have their Dads a little longer. I just finished the Dry July and made Pancare the recipient of my fund-raising and donated over 40cm of my hair to charity. I think anything you can do be it a post or wear a tee shirt to raise awareness and spark conversations about this horrific and not quite known or spoken about disease is time well spent. Life truly is too short 58 forever. Love you, miss you Dad as we would say for over 30 years... Are you ready 123 Go bye for now.

For mum.


For all the dad's and mum's that died young

Rudi Spiteri

Remembering a great mate and mentor. Who passed away last year, taken to soon,may he rest peacefully.

Robin Delport

In honor of of my beautiful mum and those past and present fighting this disease, I’m taking part this year to help raise money to fight pancreatic cancer. 🙏🏼❤️

Molly Corston

To my loving and kind grandma, who I miss dearly 💜

Amelie Nespolon

Loving father of Hannah and Ella. Loved son of Tarsilla and Carridi. Loving brother of Walter, brother-in-law of Lisa and cherished uncle of Amelie and Bridgette.

Josh Munnings

I’ve just had my second last round of chemo today. I had chemo last year and a Whipples’s procedure as well. It’s sure been a ride. The numbers are looking pretty good so far! Thanks to all those who are raising some much needed funds for research. I’ve reached my personal fundraising goal of $1200 and it’s not even September yet, so a huge thank you to each and every one of my kind and generous donors.


Remembering my beautiful Partner who passed away in September 2020 at age 61 and my father who passed away in 1992 at 71

Sending love and strength to everyone fighting this tough battle!

Ev Smith

We’ll be walking to support our gorgeous friend & others that have been affected by this 💜


Walking for Papà. Every step brings us closer to a cure.

Claude, Michèle, Christine, David, Phillip, Geoffrey

Dad, you have made such an amazing impact on all of us, your children.. Throughout your life, you have demonstrated wisdom, wit, kindness, determination and lots of love. Your belief & encouragement in each of us, made us who we are today. I am walking on behalf of the Tirman siblings listed above, their children & their children's children. We honour you and love you very much. Your legacy lives on… Michèle


We are in our way to start our walk in WA, donate if you can so we can continue research into cancer.

Sandra Klein

Hi there, Once again for my 5th year I am taking the challenge of walking the 73kms for myself as a current survivor of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer from 2020 but still fighting it after it came back in my Liver in 2022 which is stable and is not able to be found on my latest scans but Doctor says we can't stop it or it will grow back since it is inoperable for where it is. I am currently receiving chemo treatment of 1 day a week with 3weeks on, 1week off. Thank you and I appreciate anyone who can help me eradicate this painful and horrible cancer by donating to my page as this is my main Charity I support. Cheers Sandra


Remembering my grandfather, Terry McKinley, who passed away 13th August 2024 after a very short battle with pancreatic cancer. Always in our hearts.

Cynthia Tovey

Mum you are missed everyday

Julie Nicholson

You are missed everyday.

Grant Plasto

I support you 100%. We will get through this.

Tracey Siviour

Walking for my Mum - it will be 10 years in November, since pancreatic cancer took her.


Maria willis

Miss you every day forever and ever

Connie Errington

I miss you every day mumma. Love you

R.I.P deeply missed ,always with me every day . You are never forgotten

I’m walking to remember Doro Thy, my friend. Rosemary Thompson who both lost their battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Plus my friends Dad, Terry, who is battling now.


Dad, you were and are still my hero. I miss you, our talks, your wisdom and your passion for teaching and life. I am so proud to be your daughter. You left us way too soon. I am walking in your honour to wipe out pancreatic cancer.


Doing this walk in memory of my mum and help raise funds and awareness of a huge cause 💜


As a lot of my friends know, my family lost Uncle Ron to pancreatic cancer in December 2013, 18 months after he was diagnosed. Those 18 months were an absolute shit show, we all knew that it was a death sentence but he was determined to beat it. But in the end it didn't happen that way, as with most people. But through that 18 months from his diagnosis to when he passed we also lost his mother (my great-grandfather) and his BIL (my grandfather) so there was a lot going on emotionally but he never gave up. Kept telling me he was going to beat it, until the day it beat him. He was an incredible man, as all my friends who knew him could attest. After all, how many triple amputees do you know personally that could survive what he did and then fight such a debilitating disease as cancer for 18 months when the Drs said he would be lucky to make it 6? He was my hero and I miss him every day but I know that he's still with me, as the ones we love never truly leave us.

Doing this walk in memory of my mum and help raise funds and awareness of a huge cause 💜

Taken way too soon. Gone but never forgotten. Miss you


I’m doing this for my Grandad in the hopes that one day other families won’t have to watch their loved ones suffer from this awful disease



First time supporter

Matthew Bennett

I’m doing this to honour my Nan who fought pancreatic cancer for 5yrs with no treatment, And also for my Dad who has just been diagnosed and given 6-18months

My dad

My dad has Pancreatic cancer he's the patriarch of my family he's a fighter though in 2013 they told him he had 6 months to live but is still here cause he's a fighter and didn't deserve it 😭 please help every dollar counts 🙏this is my dad with my daughter


Will always have special memories of our adventures

Julie Lindsay

I will always love and miss you Dad 💜 10/11/21

My wonderful mum 🤍


Thinking of my sister, Jenny. Once she was diagnosed, time went far too quickly. Jenny was the most thoughtful and caring person.

Catherine Reilly

Remembering Bob Anderson and his wonderful legacy that lives on through Natalie and Robbie


Mum passed away last December. From her diagnosis to her passing was 3 1/2 months. It’s such a horrible horrible illness. Hence why I’m going to walk 71ks this September to help other people not have to go through what mum did!!!


Hey Dad I still cant move on I feel like we had something we had to finish but hey thanks so much for shaping me thanks for always feeding me Thanks for always believing in me Dad you have no idea how gutted I am that you are no longer here with us Dad I love you now how I have always loved you you gave me everything I needed I look forward to the day we can see each other again. Up The Raiders

Josh Munnings

I’ve been waging a battle against PC for the past 14 months. Firstly chemo then a Whipples and now more chemo. Loving the generosity of donors from around the world who are showing their love and support.

Kaitlyn Henwood

I’m participating in the Remember September walk in memory and honour of my late grandmother, who lost her battle to the disease only 3 months after diagnosis. She was only 66 years young. May her memory and the memories of the 71 Australians lives lost each week live on

Mike Seah

Aunty Rosie grew up as the only daughter in a household with four other boys. She was a strong, independent woman who worked for many years at a bank in Sarawak. She lived with and supported Uncle James who had a significant disability following a childhood accident. She was a loving and generous Aunt. I remember as a kid at Christmas time she would send me these amazing money boxes from the bank. At Chinese New Year I would receive a sizeable ang pow (red packet). In the last stages of her life and battle against pancreatic cancer, she moved to Australia. Mum and Dad cared for her until her passing in 2000. Regretfully I was studying overseas at the time so did not have the opportunity to spend those precious months with her. Loved and missed, but always remembered

Remembering "My Monster in Law"

Gaye Henderson

After losing 2 friends in the last 10 months & 4 others in the past, research is the key. They are my inspiration to fight for research into finding a method of EARLY DIAGNOSIS. 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Tojah Schreiber

This year I am doing this for two friends who have lost their loved ones. In remembrance of James (jim) Rossborough and Karryn Madden.

Chris Kirk


Puri Moriana

I’m walking for my mum whom we lost in 2002. The strongest most courageous woman I’ve ever met. I miss her every day. Taken away from us way too soon.

Karen young (nanny)

Nanny’s grandkids

Colleen Bellamy

I am inspired by my Sister, Sandra who has been fighting this disease for 4 years. She never ceases to amaze us with her wonderful demeanour. She is always so positive & uplifting. An inspiration to us all.


I’m walking for my sister in law whom is continuing to inspire me everyday to do better 😍.

Wendy Vanhemert

I am walking in memory of Wendy, a beloved friend and my best friends mother. She lost her battle in May of 2024 surrounded by so much love. We miss her so much.

Melanie Webb

For my beautiful mum. This terrible Cancer took you away from me. I miss you every day.

I read a lot of beautiful loving stories from Facebook page. Although I'm not capable to donate at the moment, I will walk together 😇 You'll never be alone.

Lisa Kangur

My dad, Charlie, succumbed to this insidious disease in February 2024. He was loved by many and fought to the end. Dad was my strength and my protector. He treated everyone with love, respect and fairness. We miss him so much

Debbie Ritchie

My beautiful Mum Deirdre Ritchie lives on in our memories every day. We were heartbroken when she was diagnosed with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer but she was determined to live every day she had left to the fullest. Sadly she only had 87 days with us until she grew her Angel Wings. But she was surrounded by her family & friends. We showered her with love. She left behind myself, my sister, brother in law, 3 wonderful grandchildren and their partners , 2 gorgeous great grandsons that she adored and a great granddaughter that was yet to be born. We loved her and will always love her. Xxxx

Cheryl Reid

Your family and friends love you and miss you. We admired your strength and courage. You fought hard. ❤️

Steve Aitchison

I’m doing this walk in memory of my gorgeous wife Liana. She lost her battle in May 2024, and leaves behind a devastated husband, two amazing children who miss their mum, and friends and family. She is so terribly missed and every day without her is so hard. I love you and miss you Sweet.

Gemma Hawkins

I'm doing this for my Mum 💜

Lyn Davies

I’ve been doing this for 4 years now, honouring my Mumma Bear who lost her battle back in 2020 after a huge 2.5yr battle. 💜🐬 I miss her everyday and I’ll keep fighting for her, for people currently battling, and for those who we’ve lost! We shall stand up and fight 👊🏽


For everyone past, present and future you will be remembered now and forever


I don't know what those who are given the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer go through. Just hope we can give hope to them this September and after so treatment and cure are found

Sending love and strength to all going through this journey. I have not been personally affected but I know others who have and that is why I am doing this walk. 💜💜💜


I love you longtime, and am forever missing you❤️ I love you to the moon and back😘

John Briggs

Losted in 2004 missed every day

Ruth Kyngdon

Remembering my Mum who died from pancreatic cancer four years ago. I will always love you.

Annette Jones

I am walking in September for my friend Janine, to help prevent others suffering in the ways she has.


Walking in memory of my Mum and to raise money to find a cure for pancreatic cancer.


Walking in loving memory of my beautiful Dad, taken too soon by this horrid diseases. You are loved and missed beyond words Dad.

Emily Charles

Fighting for you!


To remember my soul sister, Claire who fought so hard. On the 5th anniversary of her passing. Also my friend Kate who we lost this year. You are both missed so much xx

I’ll look for you in the stars ✨ Screw cancer!


Remembering my mother in law. Taken way too soon from this horrible disease. F#ck Cancer


I’m walking in honour and memory of my late grandad who passed from pancreatic cancer a year ago tomorrow.

Suzanne Jones

For my soulmate William Jones aka BJ and for my brother in law Wayne Smith both gone to soon

Here's to those who battle and have lost there lives I'm doing it for you

Kimberley Plasto

For my dad, I’m behind you fighting always ❤️

Sharleen Rosenow

Father grandfather aunties uncles, thing is I know it could be anyone in my family next including myself so I simply want to do something to help

For my dad who is battling this horrible disease! F%^k cancer!!

Tough times don't last, tough people do! Love you old man!


I miss you more than words can express and I hope you’re not in pain anymore! I love you so much xx

Cheryl Sauerwald

Remembering Merridy too who was taken way too soon. An inspiration to me, a neighbour who became family …….. ❤️


My daughter Eden and I are doing this for my mum, Faye. She's is currently battling through the chemo, the effects and symptoms with a brave face for everyone and trying to stay positive. I don't know that I have your strength mum, but if you can deal with this crap, even if some days you can't, I can certainly walk. Please help with a donation to reach my goal for this walk. Cancer research is vital. Love you Mum💗💪

Andrew Holmes

I'm walking to raise funds to help kill Pancreatic cancer so it can't kill others like me

Leanne Attenborough

I’m walking for my Mum, Gail who passed away 8 years ago from pancreatic cancer. She put up a great fight but didn’t stand a chance against this horrible cancer. I miss her everyday.


I have a dear friend who is currently fighting this fight. I've never committed to a challenge like this or a fundraising goal, this is my first time, so please help me achieve my goal of raising $1200 to help fund pancreatic cancer research. Every cent counts 💰 Every day counts 💕Please sponsor my ride 💜🐴

Susan and Peter Ewen

I'm doing this challenge for my parents, I lost my dad in 2014 and my mum this year both to pancreatic cancer. If I can make a difference even just a small one..


We will fight this fight for you Dad as you did all those years ago. Unfortunately you couldn't beat this bloody disease but hopefully we can work together to raise money towards a cure. Love and miss you everyday Dad

Mary McLeod

In memory of my husband Bruce who fought bravely for 18 months and left us in March 2020


In memory of my Beautiful Dad that passed from this horrible disease in 2007. Would love to help find a cure and hopefully save many lives from suffering. Miss you dad, our lives have never been the same without you


I am stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping up to help fight Pancreatic Cancer, a cancer who took my beautiful Uncle from us 12 years ago, not a day goes by where you are not thought about.


I’m doing this walk for the first time this year to honour my wonderful dad. We only found out Christmas last year that he had the dreaded “C” word which was hard enough but then to find out it was stage 4 pancreatic cancer just completely rocked our world. So this walk will be to help ensure other families have a longer time with their loved ones

Simone Sheen

So it's the "C" word everyone hates. And that is CANCER... If I could do 1 thing in this world I would rid this world of it. It will be 2 yrs this month on the 10th I lost my mum to Stage 4 Lung Cancer... I will be back again this year to do the Peter Mac walk to fight cancer walk too.. In honour of my beautiful motherm It doesn't matter what type or who has it .. This horrible disease has taken the lives of far too many loved ones, young and old. So in memory of everyone whois fighting and that has lost their battle to this horrible "C" word of a disease. This is for you...

Gwen Thiry

I'm doing this for my beloved soulmate Gwen. She passed away on the 2nd March 2000, after suffering this horrible disease for two years. She was a friend to everyone and I still miss her.


In honour of my friend who bravely battled for 4 years. Emma was a ray of sunshine and will always be missed.

Heather Campbell

I’m walking in my husband Robert’s memory. An amazing man, much loved by his family & friends. We lost him 17 years ago, sometimes it seems like yesterday, sometimes longer.

Remember September, a time to remember those we've lost, a time to cherish those we luv.


In honor of my Dad Mark at age 53 and Aunty Karen at age 48.

Patty Hopper

Patty was our mother and grandmother of 12 we remember her for her kind and warm nature as well as her funny and delightful personality! She died in 2006 too early to leave us so we remember her this September and hope for an end to this terrible disease.


For the greatest mum ever


For my best friend of 23 years.. taken too young… a beautiful husband to Sonia and amazing father to Alhia and a friend to all. Forever missed and even 12 years later I’m still angry!! Let’s find treatment! Love you always Toaster! We miss you so much.


I miss you Sweet. Andrew and Michaela miss you. You are so very loved and will be forever in our hearts.

Lisa Brown

For my wonderful mum, Sylvia. Taken way too soon 💜

Lauren herben- in memory of mum Kath Hampson

Remembering my mum Kathy Hampson forever in our hearts you touched so many leaves and helped so many others with their battles with cancer you were amazing mum

Rachel Bruce

Miss you Stevo. Don’t worry, we keep up the walks for Loons. 💜💜


Miss you every day but still feel you around us all the time 💜💜

We lost my mum Margie 3 years ago to pancreatic cancer. We miss her so much and wish she was still here with us. My mum needed a cure and I hope by fundraising we can help others suffering with this insidious disease. We love so much you mum. Heaven gained a beautiful angel.

Jo Johnson

My dearest cousin Trille who showed us all how to live each day to it's fullest while suffering from this most horrible disease. Her strength was beyond imaginable and she really lived the richest, most present year of her life once knowing that her life had an end coming

Tina Giles

This is my second year doing remember September. I lost my husband on the 4th May 2024 to this horrible disease. I watched him for 13 months in pain and agony which no one should ever have to endure. He wanted me to continue to fight and help raise money to find early detection and a cure for this disease and I will continue to do this for him. Like most he was stage four when diagnosed which left limited options other than palliative chemotherapy and radiation therapy to keep him here for as long as we could. In the end he could fight no more but my warrior fought for a long hard 13 months and I’m so proud of the fight that he gave. He is in my thoughts and my heart and I miss him so much every day. Until we meet again my darling Geoff ❤️

Simone Sheen

So it's the "C" word everyone hates. And that is CANCER... If I could do 1 thing in this world I would rid this world of it. It will be 2 yrs this month on the 10th I lost my mum to Stage 4 Lung Cancer... I will be back again this year to do the Peter Mac walk to fight cancer walk too.. In honour of my beautiful motherm It doesn't matter what type or who has it .. This horrible disease has taken the lives of far too many loved ones, young and old. So in memory of everyone whois fighting and that has lost their battle to this horrible "C" word of a disease. This is for you...

Simone Sheen

So it's the "C" word everyone hates. And that is CANCER... If I could do 1 thing in this world I would rid this world of it. It will be 2 yrs this month on the 10th I lost my mum to Stage 4 Lung Cancer... I will be back again this year to do the Peter Mac walk to fight cancer walk too.. In honour of my beautiful motherm It doesn't matter what type or who has it .. This horrible disease has taken the lives of far too many loved ones, young and old. So in memory of everyone whois fighting and that has lost their battle to this horrible "C" word of a disease. This is for you...

Matilda Harris

I'm doing this for my beloved grandmother you passed away last year. She was my person and I truly miss her

Miss you Dellie 💜


In memeory of all those who had died including my darling uncle and beautiful friend Evelyn and all those currently fighting cancer. I am taking in this challenge and hope to walk and fundraiser in excess of my goals. To raise awareness and to help stop the fight of cancer

Natalie Gerhardt

If I could do 1 single thing, it would be rid the world of CANCER, this horrid disease has taken way too many loved ones. So I will walk in honour of my dad William Willcocks, but also for all whom have been lost and those suffering..

Amy Ryder

Absolutely pumped to be doing something I luv to bring awareness to a wonderful cause.


In Memory of dad, Stephen ‘Bones’ Preston. King of the Pilbara.


We lost our beautiful Mum, 12 hard weeks from her diagnosis. Our loving, kind, giving, witty Mum, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Aunty xxx We all miss your laugh, smile, wicked sense of humour xxxx

Karen Reid

Our family are walking to remember my Dad, John Baikie, who died on 27th June 2024 only 17 days after being diagnosed.

Liz Coop-O'Connor

For my hubby, a son, father, brother, uncle, nephew and friend to many. Who fought hard and didn't just give up. Will be loved and remembered by all. By doing this I hope to give a chance to others to fight.

Joss N

I’m doing this in memory of my partner , sole mate and wife Gae. I’m doing this in the hope that our son and grandchildren will not have to suffer from this horrible disease .

Kelly Thompson

In memory of my best friend I also 20/4/2020 to pancreatic cancer I miss you every day. You where so brave you fort so had . Sleep easy my bestie

Alexandra Pappas

You were and still are my pillar of strength and guiding light in my life. Your legacy will live on through the values you instilled in me. Rest in peace, Dad. I love you always.

Christine Stevens

BILL ELLIOTT (Billy) was an excellent big brother. Bill suffered and eventually surcomed to Pancreatic Cancer on 21st August last year, aged 74 years 9 months. Our grandmother, EMILY ELLIOTT, also died from Pancreatic Cancer (in March 1971) aged 73 years 3 months. Our dear friend JOHN RUMMERY (Whangarei, New Zealand) also lost his life to Pancreatic Cancer 30th January 2022; John was 80 years young. All 3 of these wonderful people were fit and healthy before being struck down by this awful disease. Pancreatic cancer is the eighth most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, and it is estimated that one in 70 people will be diagnosed by the time they are 85. Most pancreatic cancers are not found until they are advanced. We need to be aware so cancer is diagnosed early. I never want to see people suffer like I saw Bill and Grandma suffer.

Always in our hearts x

For my dad…

Tough times don’t last, tough people do!

Denis Guest

Remembering my beloved Father Denis who was taken from us way too soon. He was one in a million, everyone he met loved him and he had a joke for every occasion even on his darkest days. He was a husband, a father and an amazing Pa Pa to two beautiful grandsons who always looked up to him. Forever in our hearts, I will remember you, I will fight for you, I will honour you.


Remembering my mum ❤️ she was so strong!

Carolyn Gill

In memory of my lovely Aunty and Godmother Josey Poynting

Lisa Hampstead

Remembering my loved one Joey, he was diagnosed in October 2019 and was given 2 to 6 weeks to live. He fought the most courageous fight to this dreadful disease. He heartbreakingly lost his battle on the 25 November 2023. He was 55 years old. He always said, if they didn't find a cure in time for him to make sure l continue to walk to raise money to make sure a cure is found. This year I am walking for him Joey Annesley (Kanga) 💜🦘🙏 Always and Forever Mickey

You where robbed from us too soon dad if I can help fund the research 🔬 to make sure another family never fells the pain it is the least I can do Rip dad xox

Jenny Hinkins

Honouring and remembering my dearest hubby of 45 years who fought long and hard but ultimately lost to this cruel disease. RIP Squirrel 💜💜💜💜

Jenny Hinkins

Honouring and remembering my dearest hubby "Squirrel " who lost his battle on 16th October 2023. He fought long and hard but could not win 💜💜💜

Bella Robinson

Remembering and honouring our dad. Loved and missed always and forever 🤍

Sharynne Clews

We miss you everyday Christine xx


My beautiful father who passed away too young at 67yrs old A truly amazing dad


Missing you deeply mum forever in our hearts

Miss you my darling.. this one is for you my ❤️

Remembering Aunty Miriam and Uncle Larry Jacka

Jessica Scicluna

You’re always in my mind Nannu, miss you and love you always ♥️


In memory of my beautiful dad

Sandra Wijesekara

We love and miss you more and more everyday!


I'm walking in loving memory of my darling husband Tony. Who fought for 18 months with this horrible disease. He tackled this hard journey with bravery and humor, just like everything he faced. Missing you so very much .. always in my heart, Love you babe ❤️

Sue Snel

My Dad was young and very much loved. Only wished he'd be with me longer xx


Mum was only 70 when she passed away on Friday October 13th 2023, it was only a few weeks after her birthday, she loved Mickey Mouse so much that she had a room out the back of the house built just for her Mickey Mouse collection, and in the community where she lived her nickname was the Mickey Lady, Mum was so kind hearted and would do anything for anyone. Love and miss her deeply every day.

7/7/24 - Missing you Dad 🫶🏼 Hoping you are smiling from up above and proud of your family. Doing Remember September for you mate 🫶🏼

Audrey Blackburn

Sixteen months ago I lost my 49 yr old daughter to pancreatic cancer. She only survived for three weeks after finding out. This is such a cruel cancer that needs more awareness and research and this is why I support pankind

Anne hampson

Nanny Annie you were the Absolutley bravest women I’ve ever met , tho your gone a part of you is forever with me!! Best friends forever nanny mum xx

Mum I will never forget your strength you fought so hard not just in your battle with cancer but in all you did in life you never gave up on your goals no matter what !! And tho your gone mum a part of you stays with us always. Your were our rock mum and I pray one day we meet again in heaven . I love you always ❤️

Chloe Kennedy


Julie Rae

Forever in our hearts and in everything we do , we will always love you ❤️ jamie , Julie and Trina , your loving children. Annie Kelly 1954-2023 forever young and a true warrior.

Marie Smith

I MISS you so very much my Darling Husband. You were far to young to be taken from me. I LOVE ❤️ you until it's my turn to join you in heaven. You will remain tucked in my heart FOREVER ❤️


Laz Falusi was always willing to help others and support our communities. I was fortunate to join him (and learn from him) on several occasions when volunteering for community Backyard Blitz programs. Miss you Laz and will do my best in September remembering you.

Natalie Gerhardt

This is my beautiful dad, William Willcocks, who we lost to this horrid disease October 2011. I couldn't save my dad, but I sure help others now. Doin it for my Dad

In loving memory for all the loved ones💜


Remembering our beautiful Mum Kaye. Quick witted and loved a good laugh. Kind and generous missed so much by our family

Cassandra Neave

I am walking again this year in honor of my mum. She was taken at the young age of 27, leaving behind three young children. Wishing everyone the best on their journey this year!

Janelle da Costa

In June 2023, I watched my best friend, her family and friends lose their dad, husband and friend to pancreatic cancer. I will he running 142kms this September to raise money for PanKind. I choose to do this for my best friend, her mum, her sisters, her family, their friends and for her dad. A beautiful human that they are no longer with in person. A constant hole in their hearts, a special person missing from important events and every day life that the rest of us might take for granted, without realising we do.


Remembering my son Brett and my son in law Stephen two special sons who loved life. Brett survived 16 months after diagnosis. Stephen died 14 weeks after diagnosis. Our families like many families are devastated by Pancreatic Cancer. Young men loved taken too soon. We will remember them we will honour them we will fight for them.

Audrey Mcinnes

I am doing this walk to honour and remember my beautiful and brave husband Geoff who fought this disease for over 6 years. He was the most positive and brave person I’ve ever known. Miss and love him every day ❤️

September will also be 12 months since I lost my beautiful mum to pancreatic cancer. She is talked about every day. She is so loved and terribly missed 💜

I miss you baby xxx 💔💔

Bella Johnston

Please get on board and help us raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer...Let's see how much we can raise together...Bella & Rudie

Naomi Russell

My friend, I miss you each and every day. This disease took you from me too soon! To those fighting, stay strong 💜

Last year my mother had a growth near her an artery that restricted flow. After three biopsy and too many months of delays she had whipple surgery a week after her 60th birthday. Thankfully everything was removed and 10 chemo treatments later my mother is free from cancer. With ongoing blood work checks and scan hopefully she will have a long life ahead.


I'm doing this for My beautiful mum who lost her life to pancreatic cancer in 2007. Xx

Lisa Hampstead

Remembering my loved one Joey, he was diagnosed in October 2019 and was given 2 to 6 weeks to live. He fought the most courageous fight to this dreadful disease. He heartbreakingly lost his battle on the 25 November 2023. He was 55 years old. He always said to me if they didn’t find a cure in time for him to make sure I continue to walk to raise money to make sure a cure is found. This year I am walking for him 💜 always and forever Mickey

Nadine Cockrem

I love you Mum ❤️ Miss you everyday!

Sylvia Micallef

5/02/1950 - 29/06/2024

Angus Lloyd Brown

In Loving memory of Sylvia Micallef

Karryn Prain-Madden

13/05/1974 - 22/11/2022 Love unconditionally. Always missed

Lynda P

My darling Mum Rosemary, fought a very brave and painful battle from start to finish. She endured the worst chemo, radiation, surgery, sepsis and her worst symptom was her hair loss, but she kept up her brave fight, no complaints, no tears, to ensure we had the longest time available to spend with her. Not a day goes by I don’t think of her, miss her and love her deeply! We must find a cure or at least a method to detect this disease earlier, and be treated well to prevent our loved ones suffering or dying from this insidious disease! 💜


After mums diagnosis we had her with us less than 14 days, heartbreaking, we are determined to help raise funds to assist in the research for early diagnosis , love you mum, miss you so much, love love 🥰


Remembering my husband.


You left a legacy of kindness. You'll always be in my heart as a nurse and as a friend. Thankyou ❤️🌷

Liz Coop-O'Connor

My 3rd year doing this walk, in memory of my Hubby Troy diagnosed January 2022 gone October 2022 he fought hard.


To my wonderful dad Not a day goes by that we don't think of you Miss you so much, Love you always

John brings

My dad who I losted in 2004 and miss home everyday he was only 60 years when we lost him to this awful disease I want to get it down to 0 lives losted I doing for my dad the people fighting this and for the losted ones I do this every year in Honour of my dad John Briggs❤️


Remembering the fun

Keren McManus

Jenny you are my best friend, my sister by different parents, my partner in crime and my travel buddy. You have inspired me in more ways than you will ever know and I will be with you in every step you take in your fight against this horrible disease. I love you my sister xxx

Jana Vasilantonakis

I love you 🥹🥹 let's keep you as long as we can

I'm hoping this isn't the last year I get with him 💔💔💔

Penny Clewett

My dear mum Anne Clewett passed away from this hideous disease on 30th September 2020 My mum was a strong lady and such a beautiful soul whom I. Loved and miss everyday. Diagnosed only 5 weeks before her passing my mum was a great woman and such a fierce lady whom was always there for me, now it’s my turn to be there for her and the other people suffering from this disease to make it better for others.


Someone who inspires me to take on this challenge is my hero my dad. love you dad wish you were still here.


Miss you every day 😢


In memory of John H, what a great Scot. Miss you mate. Kellie my dear friend, the road will lead you home honey. Linda, your walk will continue in heaven my friend.

Delcie Wardrop

Walking to honour my sister who has been living with Endocrine Pancreatic cancer for 7 years.

Lj Hughes

Gran, Lorraine Hughes (nee Webster). Still hurts. 27th June 2020.

Belinda Harris

Mum, you will be forever in our hearts . We are Missing you so much. Till we meet again Mum 25.09.1953 TILL 13.10.2023

Hope Donaldson

For my Dad, my hero. I love you more than you will ever know...I miss you, Dad. xo

Helen Mason

For my Dad Phil


He didn't die of pancreatic cancer but he did die of lung cancer me and my 3 brother miss our father greatly

This is to my dearest father. I wish I had enjoyed more years with you x


Remembering my best mate


Beloved husband, father and poppy. Dearly missed, forever loved ❤️

Dr Jasmine Mrsa

Our gorgeous , caring, charismatic daughter's memory lives on in the hearts of all who knew her. Jazzy always positively lived a full, yet short, life, even for the 2 years after her diagnosis. She was a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and doctor. The legacy of her amazing being is now with her 3 beautiful children aged 6,8 &10. I am walking for you, my darling girl

I have lost a father-in-law, a friend's parent and know others going through treatment. I'm hoping we can help by raising funds for the research and make a difference.

Peter Malayta 💙

Taken too soon by this dreadful cancer.... We will always remember ❤️


In memory of my lovely Aunty and Godmother Josey Poynting

Linda Slee

Thinking of everyone who has lost a loved one to this horrible disease, this is for you all.

Cheryl Fontino

I miss your smile Mum 💛

Char Llamas

I’m walking 71km in September with my team Gorgeous Tess Lovely Tess in memory of my sister “Tess” . We miss her so much, I know she will be right beside me every step I take 💜 Forever in our hearts ♥️ 💜🌹

Heather Rowe

Rembering Robyn 1 year ago today, she gave in to this awful disease. Miss her everyday


My hero my best friend my mum also known as the Mickey Lady because of her obsession with mickey mouse


Love you always Mum Gone Too Soon

Belinda Harris

My Mum, My Hero, My Best Friend Forever Loved

Sue chiu

I hope one day pancreatic cancer can be easily diagnosed early and treatment to cure it is found. My husband was a great man who lived a healthy life and too young to leave this world.

Catherine Painter

On Friday October 13th 2023, our beautiful Mum sadly lost her fight against this disease 💔 She was only 70 years old, Mum/Jennifer who was also known as the Mickey Lady, is deeply missed by many.

Pamela Claxton

Remember September honours all the brave people who have experienced pancreatic cancer and its treatments . My husband Robin fought very hard to reach a number of goals before he passed after 10 months of courageous effort. We miss him terribly but have such amazing memories of the life he shared with all his family and friends.


Ann Beautiful mum (gran) 💜 ……your humongous gorgeous smile, that cheeky sparkle in your eyes, blowing kisses… slowly waving goodbye as silently a tear escapes….. Love Janine and everyone. xxx

Auds McInnes

I’m honouring my beautiful husband who passed away April this year after a long and tough battle with PC. He fought bravely for six and a half years. He is my inspiration. ❤️

Belinda Harris

In loving memory of my beautiful mum Jennifer Sallis who passed away 13.10.2023 My Hero My Best Friend

Karen Wong

I’m walking for my wife, Aarathy. She was 36 when she was diagnosed and we got to have 3 more years with her - which I know is longer than most people get once a diagnosis is made. Aarathy was a daughter, sister, wife and business owner, but her most cherished role was being a mother to our two children. It’s not right that the ones who need her the most only got to spend a heartbeat with her. Aarathy advocated for those who were vulnerable, who could use a helping hand, or just needed a cheer squad to rally around them. She cheered loud and proud! She’ll be remembered for being witty, compassionate, fiercely loyal, a drinker of cheap red wine and expensive scotch! We’ll miss her forever.


Our family is walking this year in honour of mum (Sonya), who has been diagnosed by this horrible cancer, July 2024. Mum we love you dearly, we are here to fight with you. Love always, Demi-Lee, Matt & Allen 💜


Hi Bubby it’s Remember September once again I am raising money so what you suffered wth this diseases ,in the future no one else will.Love you miss you 💜💜💜💜

For the love of my life, who is only 37 years old. This is his 4th year with pancreatic cancer. I hope he lives long enough to see our baby grow up. 🥺🥺🥺

Mandy McKinnon

In memory of our beautiful Mother Glenice who will continue to live with us in our hearts every minute of every day forever 🩷🩷🩷


Will miss Lori at Ulladulla ❤️

Judi Adams

This September join me in the challenge to walk 71 kms during the month of September and make a difference while honouring the 71 Australians dying each month from pancreatic cancer

Heather Rowe

It’s nearly 12 months since my dear Robyn was taken by this insidious disease.

Always remembered

Linda french

I’m doing this walk for my courageous sister Mandy, her strength and determination simply inspires me daily, I’m also doing this walk for my mum, that unfortunately lost her battle with pancreatic cancer.


Gorgeous Tess Lovely Tess As I walk with my bestie we pay tribute to her sister 71+71 142 kms GTLT team


In loving memory of Mum and Nan - forever in our hearts!

Adam Johnson

Mum..... Always Loved Never Forgotten Forever Missed ❤️🌹


Love you the best, better than all the rest, miss you so much.. Big hugs 😘🌟😘🌟😘🌟

Cherry Pearce

Remember a wonderful husband and father. No longer with us but always in our hearts and memories, David xo


You are always on my mind Genevieve!

Matthew Long

A tribute to Philip Long. My Dad. My friend. Taken at age 79 by this disease. Love you Dad

John briggs

My dad lost him in 2004 miss him everyday doing this to get it down to no lives losted


I am taking part this year because my dear friend Alison has been fighting with everything she has for the past 12 months. Now, there are no more options and not many days or hours left. I hope that the research can improve early detection, it is so critical to get help early. I am sorry for all the families that are navigating this right now, and for all the people who have been taken too early.

Mark Tennant

Dear darling Sue who passed away in January 2023. She was running 5K every second day including the day she was diagnosed with cancer. Always loved by her family and friends.


Always in our hearts, miss you ever day. Love you always Dad 💜💜

Errol Grace

Miss him every day, his laughter, his commitment to keep politicians honest. his love of family and friends

Melanie McMahon

We sadly lost our father 23/04/2023 after an 8 month battle with pancreatic cancer. He was a great man, who is missed every day.

Miss your mischief dad 💜


My mum, my hero, my best friend. I can't believe this time last year you didn't even know you were sick. F...king pancreatic cancer, it's so cruel and so fast! I miss you so much, everyday, but setting goals like doing the Cape to Cape Walk for Remember September will drive me to keep on going like I know you'd want.


Forever missed 💔


My dear friend Lori lost her short brutal battle with Pancreatic Cancer earlier this year.. it’s a cruel disease and needs a cure.. Walking in memory of Lori

Bree Packman

My Dad, Keith Waters, diagnosed on my birthday, 26th April 2023 and passed away on my daughter’s birthday, 24th February 2024. I am so grateful for the time we had together since diagnosis. We did a family getaway, got together regularly and had Sunday night picnics by the river near their home.

I am walking for my Husband, who passed away 5/9/23. I miss you every single day 💔


Even though you are no longer with us, I can still feel your love guiding me.

Cara George

We are walking in memorial of my late mum beryl Lee who lost her battle in 2019. She fought for 14 months with pure determination and all the while never to complain. She was such an amazing human all the way to her core and she is missed everyday by the four of her children and added broods. We love you BERYL XXXXX


Hi mum, you inspire me to do a little better every day, this September, lots will remember and raise much needed funding for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

For my Dad; Les Cauchi. Taken too young. Missed Everyday.

Errol Grace

A special man in my life for over 50 years. It happened so fast; cancer of any sort is devastating. I have friends who are fighting different types of cancer. He fought so hard to be here for milestones like Christmas. His family and large circle of friends all miss his love of life.

Alan and Janelle Edwards

Our dearly loved son Craig, amazing husband of Sarah and father of Holly and Archie. Missed every day.

Auds Mcinnes

My beautiful husband Geoff who I loved so very much lost his six and a half year fight in April this year. I want to do this because I feel it’s the least I can do to honour his memory. ❤️

When a life shines this bright

Linda Slee

I am not doing this for anyone in particular but for everyone who is fighting this horrible disease or for those that have lost someone. We support you.

For Drew who died too young…;


Last year my husband and l walked together, this year l will do it again in his memory, as he passed away in January. We all miss him so much and l know he will be right beside me every step l take.


Love you mum, talk with you every day


Ann Beautiful mum (gran) 💜 ……your humongous gorgeous smile, that cheeky sparkle in your eyes, blowing kisses… slowly waving goodbye as silently a tear escapes….. Love Janine and everyone. xxx

Leanne Maxwell

It stills seems surreal. Cancer only takes the good ones. Life continues on, but the pain of loss remains, Love you always, Glen xxx


Gone from our sights but not from our hearts

Fiona Sutcliffe

In loving memory of my beautiful Mum 💜 It's been 9 months without you 💔 Everyday I think of you and miss you more 😢 😭 I love you I miss you so much 💟💜

Auds Mcinnes

My beautiful husband lost his 6+ year fight in April this year. He was so brave and his positive attitude was what made him fight on. He will always be with me in my heart ♥️

Janelle and Alan Edwards

Our son, Craig, the most amazing father and husband to his family. The most gentle of man that we are proud to call our son, who showed amazing courage during his short fight with PC.

Kerry Celona

I'm walking to honour my beautiful mum. Mum passed away 12 days short of 5 years battling pancreatic cancer. Together we can make a difference.

Janelle and Alan Edwards

To honour our son Craig, the most wonderful father and husband, and the most gentle man you could wish for in a son. May his loss not be in vain for those who follow with this insidious disease.

I miss my beautiful mum who was taken from this horrible disease. She was an incredible woman with so much to learn from. I love you mum 💜

Bronwyn Smith

In honour of my beautiful Mum, Gwennie who was taken by this insidious and sneaky disease. 6 weeks from diagnosis to death. I walk in her honour and also to raise much needed funds to stop other families going through the absolute hell that we did.

Brittany Edwards

Forever loving you, always missing you Mum

Cassandra Neave

Walking again this year in honor of my mum Jennifer Ilkiw💜 My mum was taken by this horrible disease at 27yrs young, leaving behind 3young children, myself 9, my brother 8 and my 2yr old sister. It’s been 41 years but not a day goes by where I don’t think about or miss my mum. Wishing everyone the best of luck throughout the challenge!

Bree Packman

Remembering, loving and honouring my dad, Keith, who we lost 24 Feb 2024 at age 74. This is the last photo taken of him with myself and my sister, 7 days before he passed. He has left a huge void in all of our lives.

Ben Wilheim

All in memory of this beautiful man 💜