
Move It 2023

We're Moving It this September for you Lea!

This September, we're walking 68km for the 68 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer each week.  

Pancreatic cancer is now the 3rd biggest cancer killer of Australians, and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating.

If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tomorrow, there is only an 12.2% chance you'll be alive in 5 years.

But research can change this. Your support will fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates.

So this September, we're challenging ourselves to get up, get moving and walk 68km.

Please make a donation to support our challenge and help fund life-changing pancreatic cancer research. 


Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Anton Demolitions Pty Ltd

Fantastic effort Mary. Very very worthy cause to be raising much needed funds for.



Thank you Amanda and Mary. You girls are so committed getting up at 3.30am to do this! Good luck in your 16km Duval Dam Buster also.



Thank you Mary for doing this, we will be rooting for you and your team


Sarah Petersen

Proud of you! x



Onya Amanda. I know you’ll smash it.


Lauren T

Hat an amazing cause. Proud of you :)


Lynne Akers

Best of luck Mandy.


Lachlan Scotford

Awesome efforts and dedication. Great achievement in your run on the weekend


Cam Akers

Happy to donate to a great cause.


Breck & Margot Johnston

So worthwhile. X




Jayden Barker

Good work on your efforts


Amanda Akers


Mary Anton



Well done on reaching your goal! Such a great cause xx



Go girl!!!


Sam Harris

Good work! Keep it up!


Louise Anton

Woohoo go Mez! so so kind of you! xx


Lyn Bridges

Husband Jim passed away late last year from pancreatic cancer. Research is needed desperately for this cancer.


Nicholas Anton

Good on you Mary!


Stacey Dibben

great job Mary!


Hannah Jessiman

Go on Mary!!! Get your steps in gal


Prue Hayden-smith


Debbie Newman

This is for a good cause


Kit Campbell