The HotSteppers

Move It 2023

We're Moving It this September!

This September, we're walking 68km for the 68 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer each week. 

Pancreatic cancer is now the 3rd biggest cancer killer of Australians, and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating.

If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tomorrow, there is only an 12.2% chance you'll be alive in 5 years.

But research can change this. Your support will fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates.

So this September, we're challenging ourselves to get up, get moving and walk 68km.

Please make a donation to support our challenge and help fund life-changing pancreatic cancer research. 


Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Suzanne O'connor

What a great cause Leonie.. We we with you all the way...


Matched Donation


Mann Family

Such an inspirational action to do to show your support.


Renee Yung



Doing this for Mum!


Matched Donation


Peter Reynolds

Great work good luck.


Dominion Finance

Our team is behind you...


Matched Donation


Aletia Lake

Go you good thing 💪


Karen Walz


Beth Brown


Matched Donation


Amanda Wilson


Darren And Kelly Peters

Great work Leonie!!! This one is for you Judy!



Love you mum x


Alyson Holmes

You go girl.


Molly Mcdonald Crowley



Good luck!



From mum :)


Julie-anne Flynn


Judy Keating