
Move It 2023

We're Moving It this September! For Dad

This September, we're walking 68km for the 68 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer each week. 

Pancreatic cancer is now the 3rd biggest cancer killer of Australians, and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating.

If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tomorrow, there is only an 12.2% chance you'll be alive in 5 years.

But research can change this. Your support will fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates.

So this September, we're challenging ourselves to get up, get moving and walk 68km.

Please make a donation to support our challenge and help fund life-changing pancreatic cancer research. 


Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors






Sandy Pollock

Go team good work


Martin Woodbury

Great effort Maree , proud to be doing this with you


Michael Aldridge


Matched Donation


Damien Mcbride

Good luck mate Great cause





Icing doing this with you. Thought I would help our cause some more xxx


Abbie Levi


Maree, Jamie & Zoe

Miss you Dad love you always Maree, Jamie & Zoe



Great cause mate


Bill & Bronwyn Pollock



Well done maree and Marty


Gina Holloway

Laurie would be so proud of you both for supporting this great cause. I thought of him yesterday looking at his Japanese maple in my backyard. Mr Green thumbs.




Graham Brown


Rob Woodbury




Diana Federici





Best of luck mate Great cause


Pankind Matched Giver


Kim And David Smith

Well done to you and Martin xx


Glen Creswick


Amanda Ross

For the love of family x



Great job Mum and Uncle Marty. Thank you for doing this for Grandad Love Zoe