Alannah Bird

Move It 2023

My Activity Tracking


My target 68 kms

I'm Moving It this September!

This September, myself and 5 other of my close friends are walking 150km for the 68 Australians who die from pancreatic cancer each week. 

Pancreatic cancer is now the 3rd biggest cancer killer of Australians, and because early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms, the survival rates are devastating.

If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer tomorrow, there is only an 12.2% chance you'll be alive in 5 years.

But research can change this. Your support will fund life-saving pancreatic cancer research and improve survival rates.

So this September,  we’re doing this to not only spread awareness but to support Brad Bird, who’s recently been diagnosed and is fighting his battle with pancreatic cancer. Please make a donation to support my challenge and help fund life-changing pancreatic cancer research. 


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Day Family

What a beautiful thing to do for your dad. Great work team Girlies! Thinking of you all and sending extra strength and love to Brad


Curley Family

Sending lots of love to Brad and family, we are here for you xxx


Clarke Family

Sending all our love and prayers to Brad and family x


Nicole Walton



Leanne, Gavin & Neve Bradshaw

Well done Alannah and team on your fundraising. 💕 Sending love and strength to Brad and family. X


Kareene Santoro

Awesome work Alannah and Team Girlies!! ❤️


Fiona Milham And Family

Well done Alannah and girl(ies). Love to all 💕


Joshua Howe


Pankind Matched Giver


Lilly Cooper

Love you 💓💓


Lucy Tew

Such a worthy cause for a top bloke! Sending best wishes to Brad and all the family.


Julia Teakle



Caitlin Mundy

Sending you and your dad all the strength and love.